
Yurial’s Lesson (Part 1)

Then, Nalrond opened one wound at a time. First on his human body and then an identical one on his Rezar half. He used darkness fusion to numb the pain enough to not lose his concentration but not so much that he wouldn't notice cutting too deep in.

He hated every second of it, needing sheer determination to go against the instinct engraved inside every fiber of his body. Worst of all, was looking at the worry and pain Friya's eyes.

She turned around more than once, needing time to compose herself and resume watching.

"Okay. This is enough." Nalrond panted, exhausted from the pain and blood loss. "Look carefully."

He activated his tier Body Sculpting diagnostic spell, Watcher, to follow the process for the umpteenth time in the hope of noticing something he had missed in his previous attempts.

Nalrond started to shapeshift, stopping the process midway to let his halves come into contact.
