
Dimensional Magus (Part 1)

"I was afraid your marriage would be one of the shortest in the history of the Griffon Kingdom." Solus said.

She wore a golden evening dress with a V neckline and a silver parure shaped like flowers that were actually comprised of small Forgemastering tools. The silver of the jewels brought out the gold of her dress and hair, while the precious gemstones gave them color.

"No way!" Morok waved his hand in denial. "I worked too hard to get where I am. I would never divorce, but I have no qualms about putting my foot down when needed."

"He's right." Quylla blushed a bit in embarrassment. "By the way, thanks for your help, Solus. I don't know what I would have done without you."

Among the many places Quylla had brought her husband, there was Mogar's moon, but the only way to get up there was with the tower Warp.

"Don't mention it. Did you like…" Solus pointed at the sky.
