
Final Answer (Part 4)

'These two never shut up and follow me everywhere I go. Even to the bathroom!' Kamila thought.

"I can't believe your forensics labs still work with that primitive junk. My preliminary report of the crime scene uncovered more evidence than all those ridiculous gadgets the Knight Guard uses." Leegaain said while submitting his report to her.

'Maybe it's because those poor bastards don't have Dragon Eyes or millennia of experience with magic.' Kamila inwardly whined as she was once again forced to deliver documents to Jirni after giving them a look and thanking the Father of All Dragons.

If there was one thing all three Guardians of Garlen agreed upon, was the total disrespect for the chain of command. With the excuse of Kamila being their "senior" in the office, they reported everything to her instead of Jirni and submitted their paperwork to her for a second opinion.
