
M Rank (Part 1)

"I'm sorry for messing with your busy schedule, dear Baroness, but I wanted to invite you, Kotu, and Iriel on a trip with my family. In your DoLorean." Lith pointed at the car, making the twins gasp in amazement.

"Our DoLorean?" Mirias echoed, her face turning even paler.

"Your DoLorean." Lith nodded.

"Our DoLorean!" Wyalon showed her the crystal with pride, putting it into her hands.

Nothing in her etiquette lessons and manuals covered what a country noble had to do when receiving a priceless gift from a Magus so her brain froze and Mirias fainted on the spot.

The Baron caught her on the fly, using ammonium salts to make her recover.

"I swear to the gods, Eiros, I had the strangest dream-" She said upon regaining consciousness, just to freeze again once reality slapped her in the face.
