
Checkmate (Part 1)

'By my Mom, there are more injuries in Lith's body than items on a grocery list.' Solus thought while Sky Blessing gave her a detailed report of Lith's pitiful condition. 'I need to stop the bleeding and fix his bones, or he will die.'

Her breathing technique could heal most of his wounds in a few seconds and restore his stamina, but without nutrients, his body would still lack the strength to keep fighting.

Solus regenerated Lith's throat first so that he could gulp down the tonics and then she stabilized all the life-threatening injuries. The Tiamat drank huge amounts of potions that he kept stored in his pocket dimension, allowing Solus to repair his organs.

With each eye that she restored, his aura burst out with renewed strength, something that Iata didn't miss even in her dazzled state.
