
God Talk (Part 1)

The village chief was a man in his late thirties, about 1.76 meters (5'9") tall. 

Despite the scorching sun of the Desert, the Feather was quite pale and from his features Lith could tell that he was from the northern part of the Griffon Kingdom, if not from the Gorgon Empire.

Unlike the other men of the desert, he had no beard and his robe was black and silver, the same colors as the Black Griffon.

"I came here to further our pet project. As I told you, we need the help of a true Awakened to understand the phenomenon so I brought one. Lith, this is Ilyum Balkor. Balkor, this is Lith Verhen." Manohar said.

"What?" Both men said in unison, assuming a combat stance.

'Solus, analysis.'
