
Players and Pawns (Part 1)

The Warp Gates disappeared in unison and Syrook could finally drop the act. He rushed to the crates, bursting them open with a touch of his hand and letting himself almost be drowned in a wave of gold.

"I can't believe that those morons bought your act." Quaron said while stepping out of a Warp Steps. "A bit of Body Sculpting to fix their looks and a bit of rejuvenation to crank those old bones up can't change the fact that they have just a few years to live."

Syrook sighed deeply as the appearance of the Ranger ruined the moment for him.

"It will only matter if they manage to survive the incoming war." He replied. "For the moment, their foolish dream of youth is just the leash with which I'll keep the nobles in line until they outlive their usefulness.

"At that point, I can claim that they died because of their lack of faith. The good thing about being a god is that you don't have to explain yourself to anyone."
