
Shared Misery (Part 1)

"Well, well, well. One little mystery explained, one hundred big mysteries unanswered. My daughters know all about Lith and yet they never mentioned his abilities to me for all these years.

"Kids these days." Jirni said with a deep sigh while she changed her plans according to her latest discovery.

Meanwhile, in Haug's tavern, Lith didn't take the abrupt ending of the conversation well. He roared in fury and released his blue-violet aura since there was no point in hiding it anymore.

The arrays of Lightkeep were even stronger than Belius's, but this time there wasn't Kamila with him. Lith had no reason to hold back.

"That bastard! They are following their plan, killing the people close to me one after another. I've got no time to waste. I need to find who's taking the undead children and have Vladion move his fucking undead ass!"

The Travelling Tavern started to rumble and Lith's body to turn black.
