
The Enemy Within (Part 1)

Lith's mage tower, at the same time when Kamila was talking with the Queen.

After returning from Huryole, Lith attempted to call his handler multiple times, yet Kamila's army amulet was unavailable. He then tried to reach Jirni, and when even that failed, Lith tried to contact them on their civilian amulets.

"This doesn't make sense. I'm certain that they had to work today and neither of them ever turns off her work amulet. Something must have happened to them!"

Lith searched his amulet for Orion's rune. The Tower Warp was pointless if he didn't know where to go. He rarely called Jirni's husband, so by the time he found the right communication rune his army amulet started to blink.

"What the heck has happened and why didn't you pick up earlier? You had me worried sick!" Lith said to a flabbergasted officer in his mid-twenties, with brown hair and eyes.
