
Fright Night (Part 1)

"Adding a control field can't make our enchantments more powerful, since the cap is always determined by the amount of mana that I can handle, but these runes can make my Forgemastering much more versatile.

"For people with a weak core like Kamila, such items would be a priceless treasure." Lith said.

"She can activate the Skinwalker armor's boosted state only a couple of times, but if I had engraved these runes, she could selectively boost a single part of the armor, without the precision and focus that doing such a thing now requires."

"It's nice of you to think about her first, but we still have a problem." Solus said.

"Those runes are visible just like those we learned in Huryole, but unlike them, the books at our disposal don't contain any of the ancient Odi runes, so we can't convert them into modern ones.
