
Tough Calls (Part 1)

Lith didn't play favorites and obeyed his orders. Professor Gaakhu was his first choice being the youngest among her peers and the language expert. Then came Professor Neshal. Her condition was as bad as the others', but she was the only Master Warden in the group so Lith presumed he might still need her help.

After saving them, Lith had enough strength to save only one Professor. His choice was between Professor Ellkas from the Fire Griffon, the one who was better at deciphering the Odi language, and Professor Syndra, who was a War Mage.

The Odi's protections were all heavyweight and Syndra could kill dozens of enemies with a single spell. Professor Phesta from the White Griffon was the most useless member of the team.

Aside from a historian she was also a Master Alchemist and a Mage Knight. The former was inconsequential for the expedition and the latter was ruined by his old age.
