
Agenda (Part 2)

"It happened a few years ago." The man from the desert explained.

"Some Abominations had killed most of her Feathers (AN: Salaark's fake Awakened), the borders were overrun by invaders from all the neighboring countries, and she was on the hunt for the one staging the crisis. It was a real mess.

"The Overlord ordered Ruria, my predecessor, to cull the monster tribes during her absence. Ruria was over seven hundred years old and had a bright purple core. She believed that she was on the verge of another breakthrough."

"The fabled white core of immortality?" The woman from the Empire sniggered along with most of those present.

"That's a legend. No one has ever achieved it."

"Yeah, a legend. Like Awakened ones, Mage Towers, Dragons, and Elves. Yet…" He didn't finish the phrase, he simply waved at his peers.
