
Enlist (Part 1)

Nana's death had a deep impact on both Lith and Tista, although for entirely different reasons. For Lith, it was one mourning too much. In the past four years, he had lost more people he loved than in his whole first life.

He left the academy for good after saying goodbye to all his colleagues.

"It's a pity Lith didn't change his mind." Marth said while drinking vintage wine with his friends from the light department.

"He could have been a good Professor, after some proper training. I have decided to turn his version of Principles of Advanced Magic into an elective course. Many find it difficult, but those who succeed reap too many benefits to discard it as a failed experiment."

"I'm glad he's leaving." Vastor took a big sip from his cup. "He's still young. The academy is better suited for old coots like us or madmen. Our duty is not only to teach magic, but also to guide people in life.
