
Pity party for one

A heavy-fisted uppercut sent Arei flying into the air and landing with a wet thud on the hard concrete of the now flooded courtyard. He stared up at the sky as rain droplets continued to splatter his face. The dark turbulent clouds whirled violently overhead, reflecting his own raw emotions.

"Had enough?" Ry asked between panted breaths as he sank to the ground beside Arei.

Arei nodded, equally breathless. "I messed up this time, man... really messed up... And there's no one else to blame. It... it's all me... I... I hurt her..."

Ry pushed up from the ground and held his hand out for his brother. "Come on, let's get inside and dry off. Then we can talk."

Arei nodded again as he took Ry's hand. His eyes moved to the run-down palace as he wiped the mud from his arms. "You don't mean in there, do you?" His skeptical gaze turned back to Ry. "You know I have a house right down the road..." He shrugged. "Well, most of a house..."

"Yeah, but neither of us have clothes there, now do we." He gave Arei's wet back a slap as he stepped toward the back doors. "Besides, the kid has been watching from that window for the past hour." Ry waved up at the wide library window before pointing to the bottom floor. A smile curved his lips as Russ nodded and disappeared. He shook his head, a wide smile spread across his lips. "He really isn't a bad kid... but he definitely is still one..." Ry's expression became clouded. "You're not the only one who has made mistakes. We all do... It's more about righting those wrongs the best we can... whether it's wrongs we've caused others... or things we've done to ourselves..."

Arei let out a weak laugh. "Ah, I forgot how much I've missed philosopher Orion. Tell me ol great one, what is it I should do in my current circumstances?"

Ry studied Arei as he held the door open for him. "I can't answer that for you... but I believe you already have an idea..." They walked in silence to Ry's room.

Neither man was surprised to see Russ waiting against the wall of the hallway outside the room. Arei felt a mix of emotions as the young wolf's ears perked and his eyes landed directly on Arei as they drew nearer. He gave the kid a slight nod as he walked into the room first. He couldn't be jealous or mad at the boy for his curiosity on the matter. After all, Jos was someone special to him as well.

Ry cupped Russ's shoulder and whispered. "She's fine, save the questions for now though, alright."

Russ nodded. "I'll go down and see what I can rustle up in the kitchen." He glanced into the bedroom, reading the expression written all over the other giant man's body. "I'll meet you guys in the ground-floor study."

"Sounds good, kid... thanks." Ry said as he gave Russ's shoulder one last squeeze before releasing it.

Russ could hear the rapid pounding of his heart as it echoed through his head. His hands moved on autopilot as he through together some sandwiches and snacks. His mind ran through numerous possibilities as he worked, his mind so lost in thought he didn't hear the back door open.

"I... um... I could help you with that."

The soft quiet voice pulled him from his thoughts. "Do they look that bad?" His gaze moved up to see April round the corner of the kitchen bar he was working at. He arched a brow as she began lining up several slices of bread and spreading mustard on them. "It's late..."

She glanced up at him from the bread with an awkward smile. "I didn't realize I had a curfew, your majesty."

Russ could feel his cheeks grow red. "Y-you don't... It's just that the island isn't exactly safe right now..."

She giggled lightly. "Don't worry, I wasn't alone." Her eyes stayed trained on the slices of bread as she spoke more seriously. "You know, we all greatly appreciate what you've done for us... what you continue to do for us." Her eyes met his, sadness merged with joy as she spoke. "You could have easily sent us away, back to our families... if any of us have family left, that is... But you didn't. You and your friends have given us a second chance at life, a better chance than some of us would have had had we gone back home..." Her eyes held his as if searching for his understanding, hoping that her words would convey exactly what she wanted without being forced to say the words themselves. When his eyes only continued to hold confusion and question, she let out a long sigh. Her focus moved back to the sandwiches she was working on. "I was out with Drake... We are going to move in together once Jaden and the others here don't need me as much... I haven't told Jaden or the others yet..." She lifted the knife from the counter and studied its sharp blade. "I suppose that's because I feel guilty..." Her eyes lifted to Russ once again. "Some of us are never lucky enough to find true love and have that love returned to us... Had we never been taken from our homeland, Jaden would have been forced into a marriage with a cruel man many years her senior." She shrugged sadly. "Even if she were to return there now and that man is gone, her family would still push for another marriage of equal benefit for them. It's the disadvantage of being born a female in a wolf pack, especially an alpha female. Our lives are not our own. You've given me the chance to love and have that love returned, and I'm forever grateful..." Her words faded along with her smile. "I just hope you and Jaden find the same with one another... Even if it's not an all-consuming love or even a slow burn..." She forced a smile as she lowered her head to hide her misty eyes. "I just hope you two find some kind of happiness."

Russ couldn't respond, instead, he could only stand there frozen in place and staring wide-eyed at her.

"There, all done." April forced an awkward laugh as she brushed her hands off on her hips. She examined her work as she took a step back. Her worried eyes lifted to his once again. "I hope you have a good night... and that you consider what I've said..."

Russ nodded as he cleared his throat. "T-thanks for the help... and the... advice..." He watched as she gave him a slight bow before leaving the room. His brows furrowed as she greeted someone outside the door but then leveled out as Ry stepped through the doors.

"You good in here? It's been a while." Ry asked as he walked over to the counter.

Russ nodded as he gathered the food. "Yeah, I'm good... Wanna grab some of this?"

Ry's eyes moved around the counter. "You know it's just the three of us right?"

Russ nodded. "Yeah, I figured when it came to eating feelings the three of us could do some damage."

Ry arched a brow. "You got some feelings going on too, do ya?"

Russ's gaze moved up to the towering man. "If your brother's here this time of night in that condition, I'm figuring there will be plenty... not counting all the stuff going on here..." His eyes moved back to the door April had disappeared through. "You know she's been sneaking out to see Drake... Which means he's back on the island..."

Ry nodded as he grabbed one of the trays and a few bags of chips. "Yeah, It's been going on for some time now... even before the last vampire attack." He shrugged. "I wish them the best. The gods know it's not going to be an easy relationship between the two of them... I'm not even sure how a vampire, werewolf child would work..."

Russ's brows tented as he gathered the remaining things. "I hadn't thought of that... I just assumed it would be like Shelly and Rin's baby. The dominant genes would kick in and all would be well..."

Ry shrugged as they walked toward the study. "Sometimes... but sometimes the genes aren't compatible at all and best case scenario they will never be able to breed or the child would be born sterile, you know, like a mule or a tiger lion mix."

Russ frowned. "And worst case?"

Ry frowned as he stopped outside the study door. He sent Russ a knowing glance over his shoulder. "Worst case... She would have to deal with countless miscarriages, stillbirths, or developmental issues that would dramatically shorten the child's lifespan. It would be a very devastating thing for any woman to go through." His sad eyes moved back to the door as if staring through it. "There's a lot of emotions involving women and childbirth we men shall never fully understand... but that doesn't give us the right to be insensitive pricks... Keep that in mind and to yourself tonight as you hear Arei out... And keep in mind you've done equally shitty things... still are, if we're being honest..." He sent a quick glance up to the floors above before turning back to the door and pushing it open. "Miss us?"

Arei frowned as he lifted his head from the card table. "Of course I did... Misery loves company after all. Am I right?" He arched a brow when Russ seemed to freeze by the door. "Don't worry, kid, I don't have any fight left in me tonight." A forced smile curved his lips as he sent Ry a knowing glare. "Besides, being part of this family you're sure to find out every single painful detail sooner than later anyway. I'd prefer it came directly from my own lips."

Russ's surprised eyes moved between the two mountainous men. "You guys consider me family?"

Arei shrugged. "Might as well, our father has all but adopted you and your sister..." His eyes filled with sadness as they trailed down to the glass he'd been holding under the table. "Even if Jos and I are over for good this time..."

Ry rolled his eyes as he sat the food on the table. He turned to Russ and jerked his head toward the table. "You heard him. Come on, kid." He settled in a seat across from Arei and shoved the tray of sandwiches toward him. "I'm sure it's not over... Dad doesn't seem to think it is."

"Dad... huh... Figures he'd have filled you in already... At this rate, I'd guess you know more than me."

Ry shrugged. "Only the basics... You know how he is."

"Yeah, you're right... I do..." He lifted the glass to his lips but didn't take a drink. He chuckled with a shake of his head as he stared down into the amber liquid. A wicked smile curved his lips as he sent Ry a shadowed glare. "I would offer you a glass, but we don't want you turning into the rapie uncle again." His gaze moved to Russ. "Now do we?"

Ry frowned. "Alright, you've made your point. We're here to help you, so save your jabs for someone else." He studied Arei for several long moments, before finally adding. "Why don't you tell me your version, then I'll let you know what dad said."

"Fair enough..." Arei said as he turned up the glass and finished off the contents. He nodded toward the decanter he'd gotten from the whiskey cabinet in the corner of the room. "I'll be needing a few more of these if we're going to have this conversation."

"That's fine." Ry replied, hiding his irritation as best as he could.

Russ nodded toward the whiskey. "Mind pouring me one as well before you start?"

"Sure..." Arei began talking as he poured him and Russ a drink.

Six glasses and thirty minutes later he'd said all he had to on the matter. He leaned back in the chair, his mind buzzing with emotion and whiskey. Tears burnt his eyes as he shrugged. "I don't know, I really fucked things up..."

The room was quiet for the longest time before Russ finally spoke in a low murmur. "Now that you know what it means to her... have you changed your opinion on kids?"

Arei let out a long sigh not taking his steady stare off the table. "No... I haven't... I still can't imagine bringing a child into this cruel ass world we live in." He gave a sad shrug. "Even if I were to change my mind..." His words faded as a smile curved his lips. "Even if the thought of holding the beautiful auburn-haired, aqua-eyed baby in my arms made my heart swell with a warmth I've never felt before..." He shook his head as the sadness returned. "What would happen to her if the curse was to active and bring harm to the baby... or worse... cause her to lose it..." Tears slid slowly down his cheeks into the scruff of his beard. "The pain of having that thing she wanted so badly be taken away, for her to somehow blame herself for that loss... I couldn't put her through that... no, it's better if the blame falls on me... if it's not even a possibility from the start..."

Russ cleared his throat forcing down the emotion building there. "You'd rather her hate you... than... be happy yourself?"

A sad smile curved Arei's lips. "I would..."

Russ shook his head, his features becoming more stern. "You gotta go after her! You gotta get her back!"

Arei shook away his shock and surprise and a smile curved his lips. "I gotta say I never expected to hear those words from your lips."

Russ furrowed his brows. "I never thought I'd be saying them... but... You're the better man... I'll admit that now..." His brows furrowed more as he stared blankly down at the table. "I've been so selfish..." He pushed up from the table and leaned over it. "Go get her back man. I got my own mess I need to clean up." He gave Arei one last nod before turning and leaving the room.

Arei watched as the young wolf pulled the door shut behind him. "That kid's something else..." His amused eyes moved to Ry. He arched a brow seeing the stoic expression masking Ry's features. "You look deep in thought like to share? I figured you'd have at least a little bit of shitty advice to offer."

Ry shook his head. "Nah, but I agree with the kid... The two of you deserve a second chance..."
