
Bound to the future

Prometheus gave Poseidon a curt nod before his eyes returned to the tiny puppy under his arm. "I almost hate to ask... but is that-"

"The kid? Yes..." Ry said as he read through the documents Prometheus had sat on the coffee table. He nodded his head not looking up from the papers. "This looks good except I'm not sure if everything that needs addressed will be finished within only five years." Ry said pointing to a line of the document.

"He's actually quite cute like this." Prometheus said, holding his hand out to pet the pooch. When the dog snapped at his fingers, he pulled them back. Shaking his head as he finally turned his attention away from Russ, he added. "Five years has become our standard for such guardian ships. That will put the boy at nearly twenty-four years of age, plenty old enough to rule without such a strong... presence..." He sent a glance to Poseidon. "After that, the issue will be re-evaluated."

Poseidon chuckled throwing up his one free hand. "This is all Ry's idea I assure you. I had nothing to do with it. Though I have to admit, I am curious to see what the kid is capable of accomplishing." He held the pup up in front of him and examined it for a few minutes. "I know you're pissed off at me right now, but in time you will see what I say is for the best. When that time comes and you hold no more animosity for me or my son's, feel free to call upon me. I would be more than honored to see your people under my claim." He lowered the pup and moved his attention back to Prometheus. "Who has claim over his clan now?"

Prometheus frowned, "I believe the uncle sold it out to some lower-level deity who only took the offerings then bailed. The council is investigating it currently still."

Ry finished signing his portions of the documents. "Alright, my part is done." He arched a brow at his father. "What are you waiting on? He needs to sign these as well."

Poseidon sighed, "Are you sure he can't just put a paw print on there? I rather like him in this form." The angry dog struggled against his grip again for what had to be the hundredth time.

Ry rolled his eyes. "No dad. It has to be his real signature. You know that." Ry's eyes traveled to the pooch. "Though I have to say if I could have turned him into a dog months ago things wouldn't have been so out of hand right now."

Prometheus frowned as he sent Ry a calculative look. "You mean Joslyn would not have been found out?"

Ry shrugged. "It's not like it was boy scouts she was killing. Hell, knowing her, she even gave them the chance to do the right thing beforehand. The only way she wouldn't is if the kraken form were involved as I suspect it was the night of the killing at the DeMarco party. I was there, the kid gave her hell that night. It would have been enough to set her off."

Prometheus arched a brow. "Would you be willing to repeat that in front of the courts?"

Ry nodded. "Of course, I would." He turned his attention back to his father. "He's still a damn dog?!"

Poseidon rolled his eyes and sat the dog down. "Alright, if you insist." His eyes brightened as a wide smile spread across his lips. "I could turn him back afterwards-"

"NO!" Ry yelled. "I have to take him back to his pack and it can't be like that!"

Poseidon frowned. "Fine." He snapped his fingers and Russ rapidly shifted back.

"You son of a bitch!" Russ yelled as he drew his fist back ready to punch not caring at all that he stood there naked. Before his fist could connect with the arrogant god's nose, he snapped again.

Poseidon crossed his arms over his chest as he watched the dog lunge at his leg and give his pant leg hell. "He really never learns, does he?" He shook his head. "Prometheus, are you sure you only want to allow Ry to assist him for five years?"

Prometheus let out a long-irritated sigh. "At this point, I'm tempted to allow the girl to take his place. She seems far more levelheaded. What was it you said she was pregnant by?" He asked Ry.

Ry frowned. "A Gin."

Prometheus nodded, "Then there's no helping it, it must be this kid." He turned pleading eyes to Poseidon. "I do apologize, but it has been a rather long day. Could we please move this along?" He nodded down to the dog still pulling and ripping at Poseidon's pantleg.

Poseidon huffed out a disappointed breath. "I suppose I could give him a second chance." He snapped his finger again and a naked Russ sat bent on all fours over his feet. He smiled brightly, "That is more like it. You should bow to a god-" He locked his eyes with Russ's as he jumped to his feet with a harsh snarl spread across his lips. "A god who can cause your love to fall for someone or something else." He arched a brow. "How would you like a Minotaur reeking hell in your pathetic kingdom? I can make that happen, and I so happen to know an individual who likes to seduce beautiful young girls in the form of a bull..." he shrugged. "Or a swan... Or about anything else he can come up with..."

Ry rolled his eyes. "As if you are any better."

Poseidon pointed his finger at Ry. "I have done my own level of shady shit, but never as an animal... except that one time." He thought about it. "And maybe one other time... but they were in animal form as well, so it doesn't count!"

Ry shook his head his eyes still rolled toward the heavens. "It's no wonder the humans chose others to worship, you and all the Greek gods are fucked up."

Poseidon arched a brow. "Yes, we ALL are, aren't we son?"

"I'm not a god." He retorted in growing irritation. "You and mother saw to that."

Prometheus interrupted, "I have to be up in-" He glanced down at his watch. "Three hours, can we please move this along?" He nodded toward Russ. "You seem perfectly comfortable with fighting a God in the buff, perhaps you could sign some papers in the same state so I can get out of this Olympus forsaken room.

Russ sent Poseidon a harsh glare as he moved over to the living room. "Fine but if I catch this bastard staring at my dick expect another room of this place to get busted up."

Ry smiled widely making direct eye contact with Russ's flaccid member. "But it's such a nice cock." He teased. "Perhaps even tempting enough to have me consider bottoming."

Prometheus averted his gaze as a heavy blush spread across his otherwise stoic face. "Please just sign the forms so we can all get some rest."

Ry let his gaze traveled over Russ as he bent to gather the documents from the coffee table. "I bet I wouldn't even be the first person tempted to shove my dick down your throat just to shut you up..." He made an effort to lean over and check Russ's bare ass out. He whistled, "No, I take that back. I definitely would want to top that tight round ass." He reached out and smacked one cheek making a loud pop.

Russ dropped the papers back to the table along with the pen. "You bastard!" He yelled as he turned quickly toward Ry and brought a punch down hard on his stomach, knocking the wind from the gigantic man. He wasted no time gathering the forms and moving over to the kitchen bar. Pulling out one of the chairs he sat down and flipped through the documents. His brows pulled together in confusion. "This states that I can't leave the palace grounds without Ry's company. What the hell is that about?"

Ry sat up still clutching his stomach as he laughed. "It's a combined effort to keep you safe and out of trouble."

He turned toward the group. "I can't go anywhere unsupervised?" When Ry and Prometheus both shook their heads 'no'. His brows furrowed more. "This is no different than in-home confinement. Am I being punished for something?"

Ry sent a troubled look to Prometheus. "You could say that. The council wanted assurance that you would not be continuing a sexual relationship with Jos." He looked away from Russ in irritation. "And to make sure you are not tempted to back out of the arranged marriage the courts sat up for you years ago... A marriage I am to understand you were not aware of?"

Russ gritted his teeth. "There's no worry about me being tempted to break off that marriage. As far as I'm concerned, it never existed in the first place. How can they expect me to agree to something I'm only now learning about? Besides, Jos has already agreed to marry me when all this is over." He held his chest out high as he held Poseidon's gaze. "I'm sure you saw that much when you looked into our pasts and futures." He said moving his gaze to Prometheus.

Prometheus looked away awkwardly. "Finish the paperwork and drop them by my office before you leave." He gave Poseidon another curt nod as he headed from the room.

Poseidon followed him out, catching the titan in the hallway. "You have read both him and the girl? What did you see?"

Prometheus shook his head. "I'm afraid I can't tell you that." He let out a heavy sigh when the god wouldn't let him pass. "Joy comes to those who wait. Love cannot be forced or pushed, by anyone."


Jos frowned as she moved her gaze from the wall in front of her to the door then back. She tried to focus but nothing would happen. "Um... guys..." She murmured. "Um... I can't poop with you guys standing there..." She could feel her cheeks redden at the thought of Shelly and Arei both waiting right outside the open door. She rolled her eyes upward toward the ceiling. "I promise I'm alright..."

Shelly glanced around the edge of the open door and sent her a skeptical look.

Jos shook her head as she smiled at the wolf, squeezing her knees together. "I had a temporary moment of weakness. With the weight of everything falling down on my shoulders all at once... it hurt... I just wanted the pain to end..." Her eyes fell to the floor in shame. "In my blinding anxiety, I couldn't see the people rushing to shoulder some of that weight..." She glanced back up at the door to meet two sets of misty eyes. She smiled, "This would be a lot more touching of a moment... if I wasn't sitting on the toilet..."

Shelly turned out of the doorway and nudged Arei down the hall. They left the door open as they walked into the kitchen and began working on breakfast. They had slept in late after Ry and Poseidon left. It was now well after noon. He'd gotten a notification of Jos's first actual hearing scheduled for three days from now. He'd decided in that second, he would spend those three days showing her and Shelly as much of the area as possible. There had been so much he'd wanted to show her in this city, but they had never made it here together.

A light tap sounded on the front door just as Jos was stepping out of the bathroom. Arei walked over and pulled it open after a quick glance through the peephole. He stepped out of the way, letting the visitors in. "Are you guys heading out today?" He asked.

Raven didn't answer, as soon as she saw Jos, she darted down the hallway. Raven flung her arms around Jos's shoulders and squeezed tightly. "You scared the shit out of me!" Her voice broke as she squeezed tighter. She held Jos at arm's length as she tried to sniffle back the tears. "You ever try that shit again; I'll kick your ass."

Jos chuckled lightly as tears streamed down her cheeks. She brushed the wetness away. "I'm sorry. I don't know what was going through my head... well I mean except the obvious." She shrugged. "I don't know what I expected with all this here... Some things never change." Her eyes involuntarily moved over to Arei. The muscles cording across his bare back flexed as he ran his hand across his hair, laughing awkwardly at whatever Isha was saying.

Raven followed her gaze. She leaned closer to Jos. "I heard Poseidon stopped by to see Ry last night. Apparently, Russ's dumb ass tried to take on the fucking God of the Sea and got turned into a Pomeranian." She nudged Jos with her elbow as she tried to fight against a bout of laughter. "Can you imagine? I would have loved to see him like that. They said Prometheus had to persuade him in to turning the little dummy back before he left." Her laughter stopped abruptly when she saw the expression on Jos's face. She glanced over at Shelly who was covering her eyes with her paw and shaking her head. "Whoops..." Raven said as Jos stomped over to Arei and smacked a bulging bicep.

"Why didn't you tell me that was Russ!! What the hell did your father and crazy ass brother do to him!" Jos roared as she stood head to chest with the giant of a man.

Arei frowned. "He's fine. They turned him back before they left... I think..." He squeezed one eye tightly shut as Jos swatted at his arm again. "Hey, it wasn't my fault! The punk tried to wolf-beast out on a god, what do you expect." He caught her wrist gently as she swatted him again. "If it makes a difference, the crazy pup has earned father's respect."

Jos's anger faded. "Really?"

He nodded. "The kid's ballzy. Poseidon likes cocky, ballzy people..." He lowered his hand with hers still in it. He looked around at Raven and Isha. "Can you guys stay for some late breakfast or do you need to leave soon?"

Isha frowned. "They are sending us out within the hour. Heaven forbid the council gives you more of a notice." She took Jos's hands in both hers. "I'm sorry I couldn't be more help."

Jos smiled sadly down at her. "I should never have allowed you guys to risk so much for me." She pulled the tiny plump fairy into a tight hug.

Isha pushed up onto her tip toes and whispered. "I found someone who may be of some help to you." She slid a small slither of paper into Jos's hand. "I'm sorry I couldn't do more." She stepped away from Jos and met Raven halfway across the room, taking her hand. "If you need us just call. Once we leave this horrible place my powers will be restored."

Jos nodded as she watched the two fairies leave. "Call me when you get there!" She called after them.

Raven turned and nodded as emotions blocked her words. The guards were waiting and quickly escorted them away.

Jos walked over to the sofa and sat down as a new wave of sadness settled over her. She had nearly forgotten about the paper in her hand until she opened her palm. On the tiny slither of paper there was a name written along with a room number. {Andy? suite 224} She furrowed her brows as a wave of excitement washed over her. {At the very least, maybe this person could have some answers!}

Russ vs Poseidon has been the highlight of this book for me lol

Jacquia_comicscreators' thoughts