
Forced to love/Safe in your arms

Jos stood frozen in the center of the room as the brilliant blaze of two large green eyes penetrated into her very soul. The determined set of his jaw and large stride of his steps was disarming, but Jos couldn't bring herself to move. She stopped fumbling with the tee in her hands as his lips turned up into a toothy smile and a wicked twinkle lit his eyes. Her face heated as he took the shirt from her hand and tossed it to the floor with the discarded dress. Her breath caught in her throat as he pulled her around to face him, forcing her hands away from her body.

Xavier could feel the blood from earlier boil in his veins as he struggled to maintain his usual calm facade. His eyes traveled up and down her body. "It should be a crime to cover up so much beauty." A muscle jerked in his jaw as he took her in. "But of course I'm sure you've been told as much before, haven't you?" His grip tightened on her wrists.

Jos winced in pain as his fingers dug into the tender flesh. She tried pulling away but he only tightened his grip, his eyes still burning down into hers. "Is-is... something- are you ok?" She muttered against the pain.

His grin widened. "Of course it is. Why wouldn't it be?" His eyes brightened more, the green light radiating from them almost blindingly bright. "I have a beautiful woman nearly naked in my room, what could be better?" He shifted both her hands into one of his and raised the other hand to her face. He followed his own fingers as they brushed a wisp of hair back behind her ear. He slowly and seductively slid his fingertip across the sharp curve of her jawline before moving them up to her lips. His mouth opened and hunger colored his words as he ran his fingers across her full lips. "You've been a bad girl, haven't you?" He forced her lips apart with the pad of his thumb. "I told you I'm a patient man, but not patient enough to watch you fuck around with another man." His eyes moved from where he seemed mesmerized with tracing the outline of her bottom teeth with his thumb back to her now confused eyes. He hooked his thumb behind her bottom front teeth and his index finger under her chin and drug her closer to him. "I've never been big on sharing, Joslyn, and I think I've been more than fair with you. Have I not? Maybe I've been too kind, you've mistaken it for weakness. Is that it?" He released his hold on her mouth still staring intently down into her eyes.

Jos whimpered as she watched the underlying rage bubble within the beautiful gleaming depths. "I-I don't know what you're talking about." She stuttered searching his eyes for some hint of what he was mad over before her scattered brain finally processed what he was saying.

Xavier gritted his teeth the muscle in his jaw twitching again. "Don't play dumb dear, it doesn't suit you. I saw you tonight. Does your little wolf pup know he only one of- how many Joslyn?" He searched her face as his words finally began to register with her and confusion shifted to other emotions. "How many is it, Joslyn? How many men are you leading along right now?" He stepped one leg forward and pulled her astride it. He forced her to straddle it her tip-toes barely reaching the ground on either side. He shifted his leg grinding it into her pulling a whimper from her lips and causing her legs to tremble. "How many have you fucked, Joslyn? Am I the only you haven't?" He gripped her hip with his free hand pressing her farther into his leg and gliding her back and forth in tiny movements as he held her other hands tight. A dark smile lit his face as she gasped and squeezed her eyes shut. "You like this? I can feel your wet pussy through my slacks." He bent down and kissed her exposed neck before running his tongue over the rapid pulse there.

His breath sent shivers down her spine, but the sensations cause when she tried to wiggle off his leg only made things worse. She could feel his lips spread into a smile as she let out a frustrated moan when her movement caused more friction between her legs. The scant material of the thong she wore only causing the pressure to build more. "Please let me down." She whispered, knowing he knew good and well his kisses and movements were driving her body crazy even if his words were scaring the hell out of her more rational side. "Please..." She moaned as he ran his tongue up her throat again as he continued forcing her hips to grind into his thigh. Her cheeks heated to a blazing inferno as she felt the moister gather on thin material of the thong.

His wicked smile twinkled as he pulled away and nodded in agreement. "Alright, if that's what you want." He moved his leg out from under her taking pleasure in the fact that her legs wobbled and trembled from her arousal. He quickly removed the tie from around his neck and laced it around the wrists he still held. after he was satisfied with the knot, he pushed her to the mattress. She let out a gasp as she bounced twice before settling in the middle of the bed. Shocked eyes burnt into him as he unfastened the belt and pulled it off with a snap. "Do you know what happens to bad girls who fuck other guys?" He stared down at her his green eyes blazing, belt still in hand.

Jos shook her head furiously back and forth. "I-I don't know what you're talking about."

His jaw ticked again. "Then look me in the eyes and tell me you've never fucked the guy you were practically making out with at the gala tonight... the same guy that you ran from my meeting with earlier... the one that caused you to miss the first two fucking hours of the gala, Joslyn."

Her face went white. {Shit!} Her mind raced. {Would it matter to him right now that it happened a long time ago?!}

His jaw clenched and his eyes hardened, "That's what I thought." He tightened his grip on the belt in one hand and snatched her ankle off the bed with the other.

With one hard jerk, Jos found herself completely flipped over onto her stomach and facing the patio doors of the villa. His fingers dug into her hair-sprayed hair and pulled painfully forcing her back and onto her knees. Her breaths came out in ragged breaths, but before she could turn her head to see what he was up to the sharp bite of the belt landed across her backside. She cried out the sound not even ending before the second bite of leather fell rapidly across her ass. Jos tried launching herself forward to get away from the sting but he grabbed her foot sending her but backward closer to his reach, and of course, another lash fell across her now sore cheeks. She cried out in pain and shock as the belt fell to the floor with a thud and the grip on her ankle flipped her back around. She stared wide-eyed up at Xavier as he began unbuttoning his shirt.

Xavier rolled his head neck side to side working out the tension as he worked the final buttons of his dress shirt loose and then the button and zipper of his dress pants. The plan had been to bring her back her tonight a romance her with tender affection then love her until morning, but the second he saw her on the balcony two hours late with the man from earlier he lost his mind. The tiny masks did little to cover their identities. What was the point to wear them at a vampire even at any rate was beyond him? He'd smelt her the second she'd boarded the boat. He kicked his shoes off stealing a glance where she still laid before tossing his head back and let out an irritated groan. {What the fuck am I doing...}

Jos's eyes darted from him to random areas of the room, trying to work out some sort of escape plan. It was bad enough her body was betraying her as it found eminence pleasure in the wicked things he was doing, but if she didn't find a way out soon then there would only be one end to this messed up night... and it wasn't an end she wanted!

Movement caught her eyes from the patio door. Arei brought a finger up to his lips a phone pressed to his ear. She shot her eyes back to Xavier his eyes were still closed as his fists gripped the material of the shirt tightly as if he were having second thought. The phone on the standby the door began ringing.

Xavier's eyes popped open in confusion and a hint of relief. he moved quickly over to the stand. "Hello, Xavier DeMarco speaking."

Jos's eyes darted back and forth between Xavier's back and the shadow of Arei as he talked into the phone. The next time her eyes turned back to Xavier he was hanging up and heading back toward her buttoning the shirt back up. "Something came up with the business plans. I'll be back in a little bit." His eyes flared as he stared directly into her eyes. "Do not leave this room." The glow that she now identified as him trying to control her mind eased as he slid his shoes back one and turned toward the door.

She watched in surprise as he sent her an apologetic glance before shutting the door behind him. She was still laying on the bed staring at the door in shock when the back patio door quietly slid open. Her head quickly jerked to the side.

Arei shut the door behind him as he stepped farther into the room. He turned toward her his mouth opened to say something before he quickly closed it. His eyes trailed over her before quickly darting away to stare at the bedside lamp as he drug his fingers through his messy hair. "I overhear some people talking about DeMarco making a hasty departure earlier and tried to call your phone. When it went straight to voicemail I got worried." He stole a quick glance in her direction and his hands when back to his hair. "God Jos, if you don't cover yourself I may attack you myself." His eyes roamed over her hungrily.

Jos snapped out of her shock and quickly pulled the bedsheet over herself. Her face flared a bright red as she pushed herself up. She let out a pained moan as she sat up onto her sore bottom. "Damn." She groaned.

Arei turned away from her hoping to give her some sense of privacy but caught her reflection in the glass slider of the patio door. He was just about to look away into another direction when he noticed the angry red whelps across her bare cheeks. He turned toward her his feet already moving in her direction before he was even fully turned. He came up beside her and turned her so he could get a better look. He ignored her protested groans as he ran his fingers gently across the raised skin. His jaws clenched as he bit out. "That bastard! How dare he lay a hand on you like this!" He released her letting her turn back toward him her hands cling to the shirt now pressed against her chest. He ran his hand through his hair again. "Hurry and pack your bags. I'll wait outside the door. Just tell me when you're done and I'll help you carry them, ok."

Jos's brows came up in confusion, "What do you mean?"

His kind eyes stared down into hers for a long minute before he finally answered her. "I'm getting you out of here. I'll see you safely home... or where ever you want to go... but I'm not leaving you with this asshat for a second longer." He brushed a stray hair out of her face before letting out a heavy sigh and moving quickly toward the front door. He paused as he pulled it open. He glanced back toward her; shirt still clung to her chest. "Hurry, once he gets to the mansion, he'll quickly realize they weren't the ones who called him." With that, he stepped out of the room leaving her to stare back at the closed door. {What the fuck had just happened?!}

CHAPTER 77: Safely in Your Arms

Arei let out a heavy breath he hadn't realized he'd been holding as he leaned against the now-closed door. He fumbled around in his pocket for the pack of cigarettes he'd bought earlier. "So much for quitting." He sighed as he took one from the pack with his lips and flipped the flint of the lighter with the other hand. He took a long draw before placing the pack and lighter back into his pocket and took out his phone. He quickly dialed his brother's number, taking another long drag as he waited for the call to connect.

[Arei?] Orion's deep voice sounded from the other end. [Is something wrong? It's bound to be late there right now... isn't it?]

Arei glanced down at the screen of his phone before answering. "Yeah, it's almost 2 am." He let out a loud puff as he took another drag from the cigarette.

[Soooo??? Is something wrong?] Orion asked impatiently. [Are you smoking right now? I thought you quit?]

Arei blew out the last of the smoke and stomped the butt out on the ground with his shoe. "Yeah well I was going to... but..." He ran a hand through his hair. "Ah man, it's a mess here. I'm not entirely sure what to do."

[What's going on?] Orion asked.

Arei let out a sarcastic laugh, "I could ask you the same thing! What exactly has our dear little girl gotten herself into this time?"

Orion chuckled at the way his brother said the endearment they used to use when talking about her training all those years ago. [Oh, you know the usual political corruption, conspiracy against the crown, sex scandal with royalty.]

Arei's eyes bugged. "Oh wow, our girl has been busy! So how does it all tie together?"

Orion let out a huffed breath of air. [Remember that big vampire uprising about fifteen years ago? They attacked several Mediterranean islands that housed the largest population of lycanthrope in the world. Within the course of only five days, they had eradicated nearly two-thirds of the entire global population.]

Arei thought for a few seconds before responding. "Yes, I remember that. I believe it's part of the reason I've been sent here to investigate the U.S vampires. The council seems to think another uprising is being planned now-"

[And that DeMarco is orchestrating it?] Orion said as a rhetorical question.

Arei frowned. "I wasn't told that part, but after the meeting today..." He thought back over the phrasings used during the meeting and the conversations he'd overheard at the gala. "I believe you're right in assuming as much. DeMarco is trying to bring all the clans together under his leadership. He's pitching it as a better business but there seems to be an obvious ulterior motive that even the other vampires have been whispering about."

[Yes exactly. That is why I was sent to the Carolina's. As soon as they got word that DeMarco had moved to the area, so close to the wolf twins, they sent me out. It was suspected the move was because they had already discovered Russ and Shelly's location and was trying to take out one or both before they were old enough to take the throne.] Orion explained.

"But?" Arei pushed for him to continue.

[But it doesn't matter if that was the reason for the move or not now, because they know who they are and knew where they were. I still have a feeling that's why DeMarco is keeping Jos close. He plans on using her to get to Russ in some way.] Orion continued after a minute's pause. [I can't prove that yet of course, but after seeing Shelly and seeing what that other bastard did to her...] Orion's words were growled out through clenched teeth.

Arei shook his head, "Don't worry about Jos. She's leaving with me tonight. The bastard tossed her phone into the ocean and smacked her around a bit tonight."

[And he's still alive?] Orion asked, shock heavy in his voice.

"Yes well... I tricked him into leaving long enough for me to get her out of here. I didn't tell her I was eavesdropping on them or that I saw him toss her phone... I just wish I'd been able to get to her before they left together... before he had a chance to lay a hand on her." Arei let out a sigh.

[So, what's your plan?] concern was heavy in Orion's voice, but there was an underlying amusement that couldn't be missed.

Arei let out a heavy breath, "Oh gods, I don't have a clue! I guess take her back to my place tonight and headfirst thing in the morning for North Carolina. He ran his hand through his hair. "But-" He glanced back at the closed door before whispering into the phone. "I don't know if I can do this or not... I... Being with her, seeing her again..."

Orion let out a heavy sigh. [Arei I know how you felt and I get how you must still feel, but please for once, think of what's best for her.]

Arei's mouth dropped into a deep frown, "I know... I know... She's already told me she's in love with that 'Russ' kid."

Orion chuckled, [Well the pup will be glad to hear that. See that she gets back safe. I trust you, brother. I'll let you know when I get back.]

"Alright, until then, take care." Arei hung up and turned back to the door. "What is taking her so long..." He mumbled as he gave the door a light tap before opening it.

Joslyn frowned at her reflection in the large bathroom mirror of the villa as she placed the last for her makeup into a small travel bag. "What have you done... This is such a mess..." She berated herself as she continued to frown at her own reflection. Tears streamed down her face as she thought back over all the mistakes she had made with Russ, the stupidity of continuing to get Xavier involved... and now Areion?!?! {He's the cause of most of this in the first place... No, I'm the cause of that too...} Angry tears flowed from her eyes as she squeezed the small bag tightly.

"Kitten? Are you in there still?" Arei called through the bathroom door.

Jos glared at the door. "If you don't stop with the stupid nicknames I swear-"

"Swear what, Kitten? You know threats are way more effective when made face to face instead of through doors, right?" Arei's lips curved up into a smile as he teased her. His eyes sparkled with mischief as the door pushed open and an angry, tear-streaked face emerged. He leaned toward her brushing away a tear, "Typically tears are reserved for the person getting threatened as well." He stood straight and hooked a finger under her chin. "Cheer up, you'll be rid of me soon enough and back to prince puppy in no time." He took the small bag from her hand and quickly turned away, not wanting her to see the disappointment his own words brought him. He grabbed her other luggage as he walked toward the door. "Hurry up we don't have much time." He pushed the door open and held the door for her.

"What the fuck is going on here?!" An angry voice yelled for the parking lot.

Jos froze in the doorway for a brief second, worry filling her eyes as she sidestepped behind Arei. "Xavier... Shit..."

Arei smiled, "Ah Mr. DeMarco, back so soon?"

Xavier looked back and forth between the two of them. Jos was barely visible as she all but hid behind the large mammoth of a man. Xavier's eyes gazed over the other man, sizing him up for the first time. Much like Xavier himself, the man had removed most of the tux from earlier. His crisp white shirt was unbuttoned at both the neck and sleeves. The sleeves were now rolled to his elbows showing two full sleeves of tattoos. There was another poking out from the neckline of the button down. His long hair was pulled back into a neat bun revealing shaved side that also had tattoos, some kind of symbols above each ear. The man was impressive for sure but gave off the scent of a human. Xavier's jaw twitched as he watched Jos's tiny hand cling with familiarity to the man's bulging bicep. "That was you that called earlier wasn't it? You guys had this planned?"

Arei smiled widely as he held a protective hand back to shield Joslyn. "You might say that. Ya can't really expect such-" He glanced back toward her winking so that Xavier could see it. "Good friends to just walk away from each other so easily after so many years, do you? I mean we'd planned on meeting back up at the gala, but you left so early."

"What are you doing?!" Jos whispered loud enough for only him to hear as she squeezed his arm tighter.

"Just follow my lead." He said. He took her hand and began walking toward his car.

Xavier didn't budge, he only stood there with his arms crossed as he watched them move across the parking lot. "So that's it? You're just going to leap from my bed to his?"

Arei held the door open for her and waited for her to get in. He smiled brightly as he turned away from her back toward Xavier. "Now see that's where you're wrong... She's only been in one of our beds... and it wasn't yours." His mouth widened into a nice, toothy grin as anger filled Xavier's expression. And just as suspected the vampire lunged for him. Arei easily blocked the punch and had Xavier flat on his back in a matter of seconds. He laughed as he stepped over the unconscious vampire laying across the empty parking spot. "Poor bastard, I thought you'd have more fight than that."

He got into the car and started the engine. It wasn't until he glanced over at a pal faced Jos that his satisfied smile slipped away. "What's wrong, kitten?"

"Is... will he be alright?" She asked.

Arei let out a huffed laugh, "You wouldn't be so worried about him if you knew what kind of person he really is." He kicked the car into gear and began driving.

They rode in silence for the longest time, until the city lights began to fade and the highway began to be all that stretched out in front of them. Jos frowned, "Where are we going?" She asked.

Arei didn't look away from the road, "I have a place a little north of Tampa. We can spend the night there. Then leave in the morning." When Jos only continued to stare out the window instead of answering, he added. "Lean the seat back and take a nap it's about a two-hour drive.

She nodded and did as he said, leaning the seat back until she was comfortable then closing her eyes. "I'm sorry." She whispered.

Arei glanced her way. "For what?"

Jos turned her head in his direction opening her eyes only fractionally. "About all this, getting you involved."

He laughed, "Kitten, I got myself involved. You have nothing to be sorry for."

Jos frowned. "It's just that I realize it was a little naive of me to trust him, to come here with him..."

Arei patted her knee, "I'm glad you came, otherwise it's hard to tell how long would have gone by without me getting to see you again. I don't know about you, but I've enjoyed our little reunion."

Jos frowned, "I was pretty rude to you..."

Arei shrugged, "And I was an asshole to you. We're even."

Jos glanced over at him and couldn't help but return his smile. "I should have listened to your slid of things a long time ago. For that, I'm also sorry."

Arei frowned, "For that, I will take your apology. Everything I said is the truth... everything I said then and everything I say now, Jos. I wish I'd been brave enough to ask you... to make you say MY name then... but I guess deep down I know it wasn't me you wanted and couldn't bear to hear the words from your mouth."

Jos fought a yawn as she rested the side of her head against the headrest of the seat. "You're wrong about that, you know. Thinking back, I loved Orion. He was the first person to show me attention the way he had, but it the feelings I had for the man I had confessed my love too and the man that took care of me and trained me all those months after that... the man I fell IN LOVE with..." He met her gaze. "It was you."

8/8/20 I appologize so much, there seems to be several chapters that have been lost. This is a double chapter now.

Jacquia_comicscreators' thoughts