
Nothing To Lose

"Let's go, Heiyue!" Li Xueyue happily said after climbing on top of her horse. She urged Heiyue forward. He excitedly walked in the direction of the open field. Eventually, the small walk broke into a run, and soon, the two were racing in the familiar direction of the forest.

Li Xueyue felt her heart leap against her chest the closer they approached the forest. Excitement swarmed her at the thought of her secured future. 

Months ago, everything still seemed so bleak and helpless. She thought her destiny would forever lie in Wuyi, but she supposed all of her worries were silly and futile now.

Li Xueyue had finally come to terms with the inevitable—she had fallen in love for the final time in her life. Whatever happened next, she would decide what to do herself. Whatever troubles and hurricanes that might come her way, all of that would seem trivial with Yu Zhen by her side.
