"What do you mean she's gone?!" Hu Dengxiao loudly whispered, gesturing for Lu Tianbi to lower her voice as well. He surveyed his surroundings, and luckily, no one had heard them.
"Go see for yourself!" Lu Tianbi hissed. She angrily flicked her wrist at the tent's entrance which was a thick and unwavering curtain.
Hu Dengxiao poked his head inside, and sure enough, the little lady was nowhere to be seen. "How did she escape?"
"It must've happened when I was talking to you. I couldn't look over your shoulder, so I must've not seen her sneak off."
"This is bad, she can't be wandering around," Hu Dengxiao worriedly said, his brows scrunching together.
"I know," she snapped, "It's Xiao 's feeding time!"
"I still can't believe our Second Prince literally named the tiger 'little orange'!" Hu Dengxiao scowled. "First he names his horse the color of her chestnut coat and then—"