
Play Your Role

After the entire ordeal was done and dusted, Marquis Ning Guahe urged everyone to enjoy the birthday banquet as if nothing unpleasant just happened. He gestured towards the instrumentalists to begin playing and for the dancers to be brought in for a congratulatory performance dedicated to Ning Huabing. It didn't take long for everything to resume as normal.

Someway, somehow, Li Xueyue found herself alone. She quietly made her way towards the long table of snacks and pastries that were calling out to her.

Li Xueyue looked around and was relieved when no one seemed to be paying her any attention. When no one was looking, she reached for a bite-size cake shaped like a blossoming peony. It was surprisingly crumbly and sweet with a slightly tangy flavor to it.

"Where did you learn to act like that?"
