
Eros and his harem as of Volume 2

Eros- MC of Eros Destroying the Multiverse. The True God of Attraction. who changed his name and origin so he wont be worshiped. He is a random god who likes meddling in love lives. Despite his title he actually very selective on who he'll marry but sleeping with is different.

Psyche- Eros first wife and first true love. She is the one who told Eros to find other wives. She is fine with Eros having other women which may be shocking but She is a women who had married a God of lust and kept him restrained that in itself is amazing. has a daughter with Eros

Asuna- (SAO) Eros second wife a girl who has proven a leader and someone who no one can say otherwise is Eros right hand. She controls his harem looks out for them and teaches them. She also the one who can keep a lease on Eros to stop him from having sex and stop him from drinking. They have an adopted daughter

Albedo-(Overlord) Eros third wife a succubus who is obsess with Eros to almost Yandere levels however after Eros dealt with her she realized. she cant handle him by herself. She has proven smart and while Asuna is a leader she is a general

Kyouko-(SAO) One of Eros wives and is also Asuna mother. Her ex husband neglected her and she sought out Eros for a one night but she fell in love with him. She spoke with her daughter about it and after some talk she joined his harem. She is considered the mother of the group and the girls are always asking if they're pregnant. She is the goddess of motherhood

Sinon-(SAO) A girl who tried to resist Eros charm by telling him if he wants her he have to push her down... she is the most calm of the group unless she shes a target...silica says shes like Eros and shoot random stuff with her sleep bullets. she is also his wife and goddess of sniping

Silica-(SAO) One of Eros's wives she is very clumsy and random. Has a tendency to look for cute pets and add it to her collection but is pissed off when Eros sleeps with the girls so she tries to have them avoid him. She is the goddess of beast taming

Hamtaro-(Overlord) wife of Eros and formally the wise beast of the forest until she was captured by Silica. She fell in love with Eros the second she met and was trying to mate with him till she did and shes been happy since she is loving her humaniod form

Crucsh-(Overlord) wife of Eros and was formally a lizardman till she evolved. She had some issues in the past but the first person who she ever loved turned to be Eros and she couldn't just be on display she wanted to taste him so she jumped him.. well she thought but he then pushed her down

Suguha-(SAO) Eros wife whom Eros helped when she was at her lowest. She spent many months and lots of dates with Eros. Asuna said she spent the most times with Eros without him sleeping with. She is the Goddess of Kendo

Rika-(SAO) Eros wife and everyones favorite blacksmith who made lots of costumes for her sisters and Eros. She actually just has fun surprising Eros with new costumes to see his reaction. She is the goddess of Blacksmith

Yui-(SAO) Eros daughter? and wife? She helps Eros alot and has as much fun messing with people as Eros does. Rumor is that if you see her Eros and Lakyus together something strange will happen. She is the goddess of AI

Rose-(SAO) Eros wife and the spy of the group she manipulates information and helps invasions. Eros saved her from being gang raped.

Yuilier-(SAO) Eros wife and a dedicated person who usually handles paperwork. She also falls victim to Eros. Shes kind of a M

Greselda-(SAO) Eros wife and capable of doing anything she primary works with Yuna on her music

Sasha-(SAO) Eros wife and probably one of the kindest but when people don't listen to her....she is the Goddess of healing

Yuuki/Ran (SAO)Twins who are Eros's wives. Eros was the person they fell in love with and they were sadden by the fact that they weren't able to do that but thanks to Eros and Sasha they were able to be with Eros and are happy having fun.

Merida (SAO) Eros wife who likes to act like a ninja and calls Eros sir or master which annoys him but he stop being bothered by it. She usually goes out with Yui and Yui calls her ninja sis but she is also Yui's body guard

Calca Bessarez-(Overlord) Eros wife who was once know as the Holy Queen. Eros saved her from the cage. Like Sascha she doesn't like fighting but is able to do it.

Kelart Custodio-(Overlord) Eros wife she was a High Priestess and acts as on the healing and defense unit

Remedios Custodio-(Overlord) Eros wife. Her music healed her heart and she became brighter since she smiles but she became dedicated to Eros... Some say she may be another Yuilier and a M too

Neia-(Overlord) Eros wife. She was bothered throughout her life with scary eyes. Due to this she had no friends or anyone to turn to. she believed if she became like her mother she will be loved till Eros showed her the error o her ways and healed her heart. She is the goddess of Archery

Aura/Mare Bello Fiore- (Overlord) Twins and wives of Eros. They are playful and love to always be together. Aura prefers ass and Mare prefers fucking in pussy

Tia/Tina (Overlord) Twins and wives of Eros. They try to confuse Eros and mess with them but always lose and Eros pushes them down. They are members of Blue Roses

Evileye-(Overlord) Eros wife and member of Blue Roses. She was emotionally alone for years lonely thinking no one can ever support her till she met Eros

Shalltear-(Overlord) Eros wife. she is always at odds with Albedo. she became good friends with Evileye and when sex is going on she always fucks with her

Yuri Alpha-(Overlord) Eros wife. She is very serious and is Eros head maid.

Lupusregina Beta-(Overlord) Eros wife. She is very cheerful and fun best friends with Enri. she is also a maid

Enri- (Overlord) Eros Wife. She used to feel she was normal until she met Eros. Asuna said she can summon anything but Eros only seen her summon angels

Nemu-(Overlord) Eros Wife and Enris younger sister who Eros made older. She is hyper and hangs out with Yui Alot

Narberal Gamma-(Overlord) Eros wife and considers herself Eros guard when in the castle. She is also a maid

Shizu -(Overlord) Eros wife. She has trouble showing emotion but she will give a sticker to things she likes. She is Neia best friend and is also a maid

Solution Epsilon-(Overlord) Eros Wife who is a S to most of the girls but becomes a M when Eros is involve. She is also a maid

Entoma Vasilissa Zeta-(Overlord) Eros Wife. She has issues with her voice till after Eros was done with her. she never worried about her voice again. She is also a maid

Tuare-(Overlord) Eros wife. She was a slave but Eros saved her heart mind and soul thanks to that she walks with her head tall. She still regrets Eros wasn't her first through she is the elder sister of Ninya

Ninya-(Overlord) Eros wife who went to raise money to find her sister. When she met up with Eros... they became close and intimate.

Clementine-(Overlord) Eros Wife and a master assassin she likes to kill in the shadows

Gagaran-(Overlord) Eros wife who he gave a magic that can reduce her size. She hated her huge frame so will prefer never to turn into her huge form again. she is also a member of Blue roses.

Renner Theiere Chardelon Ryle Vaiself-(overlord) Eros wife. She is a genius smart and manipulative she is one of the tacticians

Lakyus Alvein Dale Aindra-(Overlord) Eros wife and very eccentric personality. It is said when Her, Eros and Yui together weird stuff will happen. She considers herself as Eros best friend

when I say first second or third wife I mean that they have more control than the others

I think this is all of them

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