

"Grandmaster Micheal, they are ready for you," said Colonel Cynthia as she led me toward the office where the important meeting is.

I have been here a few times, but every time I came here, I felt slightly nervous. I am in the central part of the Pyramid, in the tallest tower there is. The official tower of Pyramid council, the place where all the important decisions made the world.


She opened the door and led me inside a big hall; it is cream-white in color and completely nearly empty, except for a straight marble table with thirteen chairs behind it and one stone chair in front of it, which is for me to sit.

There are five people, aside from Grand Commander, there is Lenora May of Blood Sun, Raymond Loen of Wisdom Tower, Jax Whitman of Silverstone Academy, and Silas Bishop of Sky Saber; except for Raymond Leon, who is present in her physical form, everyone is in their projection.
