
Mutated Treants Heart II

I don't know how I endured these three grueling hours but now the wait is finally over.

After I set up a tent, I decided not to eat the mutated treants heart right way and decided to wait till the dinner was over.

There were mainly two reasons for this, first is that my body was feeling quite weak.

For me using the power of the fourth Tide forcefully and the second reason is that I didn't know what effects it will have and how much time it will take.

''Chew chew!" Ashlyn chirped excitedly, ''Wait for a minute, Ashlyn!" I said as I checked closed my tent carefully and remove all my clothes except for my innerwear.

I remove the Mutated Treant heart from the storage beside me.

It still looked the same as earlier, it is a little bigger than the adult fist with the crystalline green color.

Specks of bright red crystals could be seen inside it.

"Here take it!" I said to Ashlyn, she hopped with her tiny legs and started to take small bites.
