
Phone call from mom

Then I look what they write to me

"good for you and I want too. I will be there soon so left for me some" I receive a message from Megan then next come

"give me give me give me. I want some now too because of you I become hungry but I was eating some time ago" Mei and her obsession with eggs show up she always want to taste every dish with them that she see.

After I read that reply messages which stop me from eating I become a little angry and made another photo me with fork in mouth to upset them more . After few bites when my phone still buzzing I answered shortly "its only mine" and I back to eating. It taste so good I don't know when it disappear but that moment happened it all disapere only juice left.

While I was looking want they were writing at this chat notification show me. It was from Mei social media "LOOK WHAT MY FRIEND HAVE DELIVERED TO BED!!! I WANT TOO!!! SOP URE UNFAIR!!!" and photo was added that I send them. While I was reading comments and looking at empty plate I have phone call from mother. She scary me as hell I forgot that she follow Mei social media too.

"Yes mother" I answered calmly still looking at empty plate and drink juice that he give me with food.

"Hi baby who made this food for you? I want to meet him. I hope you will marry him soon I know how gluttony you are and he probably win your hearth now"

Hearing my mother questions I almost choke and I answered calmly " you know him. About becoming together I will try but it might be hard. About food it taste great"

Hearing my words she said "Oh its him? Really I hope he didn't sleep in same room with you"

"No he didn't" I lie to her another way she wouldn't stop questioning me what he was doing to me at night. She is sometimes too old fashioned. That's why I never be with anybody if she know I seeing with someone she probably wanted to arranged our marriage.

"That's good I will be hanging out now take care of yourself I will be gone filming for like month I hope when I comeback we could have talk. Now I'm waiting for plane. Good that your father didn't saw this photo yet you know how impulsive he can be."

"Ok mom save trip and about father good that he don't look at any social medias and don't look at gossips sides" when we ended our call I send short message " Mei you are ended soon one of your photos will be online I hope you will suffer a little from uploading this online." After short time I have reply from her at our chat "sorry don't do that" reading this I give her last chance. After getting up start dressing I only put my trousers and go to see what Greg is doing. When I open my doors I heard him saying loud "where the f**k she has vacuum cleaner". Hearing what he said I remembered that I had non here yet I wanted to buy one today 'What he is doing? Cleaning? If that its woman work.' I thought that and I go to see him.
