

<How can I miss him so much, when I don't even know him? I only know his name, and what his done for me, he protected me, but even so I shouldn't miss him so much, I shouldn't be crying. He probably thinks I'm crazy and who wouldn't? I mean crying for someone you don't even know? For someone that you probably never going to see again?> Emerald was thinking as she was taking a warm bath. She unconsciously touch Jay's necklace, he gave it to her as a goodbye gift. <He seemed really sad, could it be that I was the reason behind his sadness? He said it was a family matter but even so… I really should stop thinking about him, but I can't. I just remembered he said that there were people who are after me and London, but who are they and what do they want? I also forgot to ask him about his school symbol, I'm such an idiot. Anyway, I have to pay him back for saving my life and that means convincing London to go with Lucas and the other boys. I should go with them as well but my heart doesn't want to and the worst part is that I don't know why. Why do I want to follow Jay so much? Is it his eyes? I mean they are the most unique eyes that I've ever seen and not because of their color but because they are as clear as the cloudless sky. What should I do? Keep my promise to him or follow him?> she looked his necklace one last time. His face came to her mind, that's when she decided what to do. After she got out of the shower and got dressed, she headed towards London's room. She knocked her door but no response, she opened her door only to find an empty room. <she is not here? Come to think of it, I didn't saw her at all since I came back from… > she pause for a second as her mind traveled once again back to Jay. <she must still be out with Bony> she quickly interrupted her own thoughts.

-I guess I'm going to talk to her in the morning.

-talk to me about what? she heard London's voice from behind. Is everything okay? You didn't lose control, did you? she asked her with worrying eyes.

-No, I didn't don't worry about that.

-You know, there is a strong wind outside, and it had been for a while now, let's say around to one and a half hour, it was sudden as well. One moment there was hardly a small breeze and then a powerful wind came from nowhere.

-It's not necessary my fault. She said while trying to avoid eye contact with her.

-What happen?

-Nothing I… She pause for a moment, she didn't want to tell her about Jay, not yet anyway. I just got a little excited that's all.

-excited about what?

-that's what I wanted to talk to you about, I met someone today that has powers as well. He said he can help us but he wanted to talk to both of us.

-I don't known Em that sounds kind of suspicious don't you think? I mean how did he know that you had powers and how did he know about me?

-I know but he said he could help us and besides we got nothing to lose, right now we are both like moving bombs who knows what can happen if we lose control even for a second, you saw the wind I created what if it wasn't just a wind? What if it was a tornado instead? Not to mention the fact that we don't even know what we are capable of. We're dangerous and right now they are our only option.

-But still we can't trust them so blindly, without knowing who they are and what they want.

-That's why we will only talk to them, see what they want and what they have to tell us.

-Just talk?

-we will just talk to them and then decide what to do.

-To me looks like you have already decided.

-I'm not sure about that myself, my decision may change depends to what they have to tell us.

-Alright. So where and when?

-Central park six o'clock.

-Got it, but for now we should get some rest, you look tired.

-I am actually… anyway we will talk at the morning. Goodnight.

-Night. <something is bagging her. I don't believe she created this wind just for being excited and now that we talked she looked more sad than excited, she probably needs a bit time I know that she will tell me eventually>

London put her pajamas on and lay down at her bed she closed her eyes but she couldn't sleep instead she was tossing and turning in her bed, she was wide awake. She couldn't stop thinking about the meeting they had tomorrow, they didn't know anything about them and yet she agreed to listen to them. Emerald was trying to convince her that they were the only ones that could help them, but were they? After the incident at the club, the two guys that attacked Emerald were imprison for the murder of their friend. After they caught them, they confess the murder and said that they only wanted his money, they didn't want to kill him but he struggled so they panicked. They even found their weapons. How was that possible? Was it just a cover story or was it the power of another superhuman? She was in the dark, she didn't know anything.

-I can't sleep… maybe I should eat something, but it's late and the kitchen is so far away… I should try and count ship, though I doubt that it will work.

Emerald lay down at her bed, but she didn't try to sleep, instead she started playing with Jay's necklace. She couldn't get him out of her head. She looked the necklace one more time and allowed herself to think of him for one last time. A weird sound break the silence in her room and a notification appeared in her phone's screen. But she ignore it, after a while another sound filled the room and another notification appeared in her screen. She kept hold of the necklace with one hand, while she took her phone with the other hand. After she saw the notifications she jumped of her bed. She opened her messenger app.

<Hey, I hope I didn't wake you up.> she read her message and then replied

<No, I wasn't sleeping… I thought we wouldn't see each other again>

<And we probably won't, but I couldn't help it, I had to text you.>

<And then you call me weird>

<You jumped out of bed when you saw who was texting you, do you really like my necklace so much?>

<Wait how do you know that I Jumped out of bed? PS. It's my necklace now!!!>

<look outside, in the house across yours, in the rooftop… If you say so> Emerald ran in her window, she opened it and saw Jay waving his hand. She opened her mouth to yell at him but then she realized it was late, instead she took her phone and start typing.

<Are you crazy? That's dangerous… why are you in a roof>

<I'm technically stalking you and you're worrying about me right now?>

<…Shut up…> Emerald saw two figures approaching Jay from behind <Someone is coming towards you>

<times up… I'll text you tomorrow princess.>


<It suits you>

<I don't see how>

<But I see it> Emeralds face took the color of the brightest red <careful you got little red there>

<How are you even able to see that?>

<I've got good eyes… gotta go text you soon, oh and be careful, tomorrow they will try to come close to you… avoid any contact with a black haired, milk skin and black eyes guy and a female with black hair in tips blue and blue eyes, no matter what, you've got to avoid them>

<Alright and don't worry I'll talk to Lucas tomorrow afternoon>

<That's too late… ahh…>

<Don't worry I can take care of myself>

<… I kidnapped you…>


<they will be unexpected too… anyway I'll try to stall them as much as I can but no promises… for now rest.>

<Thanks, you should rest too>

<I will, sweet dreams princess>

<You too captain>


<Is either that or shortie, your choice>

<Captain… I am not short>

<Yes, you are>

<Go to bed!!!> As he sent his last message, Emerald saw him waving his hand, she did to, then he disappeared in the night. She stared out of her window a little bit more. The night sky was so beautiful and with so many stars. As she watched the night sky, she saw a shooting star, she put her hands together and made her wish, hoping that it'll reach them. She knew that making a wish into a falling star was childish but even so, she wished to see him again.

She went back to her bed, she closed her eyes and let Morpheus (god of dreams) to take her in the dreamworld, where she saw a creature made of wind. It was an eagle.

-You have the power of wind but you desire the boy of lightning. The eagle said to her.

-Who are you?

-I am the spirit of freedom, or should I say your power? After the eagle said that to Emerald, everything turned black. She lost the ground from her feet, she was falling into an endless darkness, until that darkness took a form. A big snake with mouth wide open ready to devour her, she closed her eyes wishing to wake up from this nightmare. When she opened them again, she saw a Chinese dragon flying beside her. The dragon had the same eyes with Jay. He caught her and flew away from the snake, finally approaching the surface where the eagle expected her. The dragon became mist and disappeared.

-He is worthy of you. the eagle finally said. But you can't follow him or else you are going to end up inside that snake's mouth.

-who were they? The dragon and the snake? And I'm going to ask you again who are you?

-When someone activates their powers a shape like a tattoo appears in their body that symbolizes their power but also their character. I am your symbol. The attacking eagle fierce, strong, proud and most importantly free. The dragon was the boy who you have met, brave, kind, proud, one of the most powerful symbols. As for the snake you are going to find out sooner or later. Now it's time to wake up. The eagle said and everything turned black once again. The loud sound of the alarm wake Emerald up<what a weird dream that I had> she thought.

As London and Emerald helped the youngest children to get ready for school, Emeralds mind traveled back to her dream; back to the eagle, she looked her hand, where the eagle was supposed to be, she lifted her sleeve and saw him. <fierce, strong, proud and free huh? Am I suppose to be all those things, cause that doesn't sound like me at all…>

-I've got a fox. London told her.


-My symbol is a fox, sly, graceful and supposedly wise.

-Did you saw a weird dream too?

-Yeah, few days ago, it was a white fox, she was really beautiful too.

-I saw it last night… was there a snake?

-Yeah… and she warned me about a boy with soulless black eyes and a girl with the power of the sea. I don't really know what she meant about the girl but I've seen that boy before.

-What? where?

-At school, it was the same day that we've got our powers and I also saw him at the club that night. That reminds me, you were also looking someone, a boy around our age, his eyes had different color. Emerald stayed silent for a while.

-I just wanted to apologize to him…


-I wasn't looking were I was going and I fell on him…

-Hmm, that night something happened after I… London pause for a second her mind went back to that dead man's expression, she shook her head in order to "kick" those thoughts, those memories out of her head. then she continued. After I killed that man, I pass out, I can't remember anything after that. Next thing I know, I wake up in my room like all of this was a bad dream, but then reality kicks me, my skin at my wrists opened in two, the pain was… is unbearable every time those blades come out. And then, there was the news of that man's murder, and the arrest of the other two guys as they confessed his murder, well more like they lied… but they seemed to believe it as they were manipulated to do just that. There is someone out there, someone that saved our lives maybe it's him who we need to find. Emerald just stared her friend, she had forgotten how smart she was, she figured everything out just by herself, <she is truly amazing> Emerald thought. As they arrived at school the first bell rang and all the kids started heading in their classrooms.

-I don't know what happen that night, but we can't start looking for someone without leads, right now we need help and the fastest way to get it is from those guys I talked you about, besides maybe it was them who helped us. Emerald covered for Jay while she tried to persuade her to trust Lucas and the rest of them.

-You've got a good point, anyway I have math so I better get going. See ya.

-See ya. Her phone vibrated, she took it out of her pocket and saw a message from Jay.

<Nice work princess, though I have to say I didn't expect her to figure all that out. She is pretty smart>

< Yeah she is… can I ask you something?>

<Go ahead>

<Why didn't you approach London and instead you approached me?>

<You seemed interesting and well…>

<well what?>

<Nothing forget about it, you better go to your class or else you're going to be late>

<you're right… wait are you stalking me again?>

<no choice they are here too, and right now they are about to make a move on you so get going, I don't know for how long I can stall them either.>

<Got it, and thanks>

<Anytime Princess> she smiled at his comment, afterwards she put her phone in her pocket and she hurriedly left for her classroom.

-We should approach her now. Jay heard a voice from behind him.

-It's not the right time, even If we approach her now, we won't be able to talk to her. Jay told him, the boy with black eyes looked at him with doubts.

-Are you trying to stall us? He asked him.

-Now, why will I try to do that?

-For the same reason that dad made me your observer. Jay turned at looked at the other boy, his blood boiled with anger. What? you're not going to make a comment?

-Why bother? The other boy laughed.

-After she finish, we are going to talk to her, Louisa you talk to the silver head.

-What about the red headed girl? The girl named Louisa asked him.

-Live her to me… He turned his head and looked over to Jay, then he told him. Jaycob as a good little brother you're going to come with me. Jay looked at him he was furious, but he couldn't get out of this situation.

-I'm not your brother. That was the only thing he said to him, then he looked at Emeralds school, the only thing he could do to help her right now, was to warn her.

-You've been awfully quit in this mission. Is something bothering you Jay? Louisa asked him.

-Yeah, something actually bothers me and it's this guy.

-The feeling is mutual. The other boy said.

-Whatever, I'm going to the bathroom. And with those words Jay left. When he was out of their vision field, he took his phone out and texted Emerald to warn her.

<After your class is over go and find London and the rest of your friends, don't get separated. They are planning to talk to you after your class and it's not a good idea to be alone, oh and if we manage to come close to you, pretend that you don't know me>

<Don't worry, I've got my lucky charm> she responded to him immediately.

<Your lucky charm?>

<Yeap your necklace> Jay left a sign in her answer, he was happy that he was able to meet her.

<I hope so… gotta go, text you soon>

After class was over Emerald left with hurry in order to find London. when she found her, she was talking with Bony, she hurried to go to her but a Boy with black eyes blocked her way. Behind him was standing Jay, he looked her with eyes filled with worry. Her heartbeat got faster and louder. A sudden strong wind opened one of the windows, the wind filled the school's hallways. The black-eyed boy looked at the window with surprise, while Jay grabbed Emerald from her wrist at took her away from that boy. Before returning his gaze back to Emerald, Jay came back and stood behind him.

-she is gone… where did she go? He turned to Jay, he was looking at him with fury.

-I don't know, the wind caught my attention.

-If I found out that all this is your doing then… He stopped his sentence, he didn't feel the need to continue. Let's go, we lost our chance… for now at least.

<calm down…> Emerald thought She took a deep breath and tried to calm down, after she did the wind stop as well. <He saved me again… That guy, his eyes were soulless, good thing Jay was there, and the fact that I lost control worked in our favor.>

The hours passed in a heartbeat, it was almost six o'clock. The girls left from their house and started heading to the cities central park. Jay didn't send another message to Emerald to warn her about the other boy. <They probably gave up> She thought.

When they arrived at the park, Emerald saw Lucas who was waiting for them.

-Hello. The boy greeted them both. My name is Lucas. He extended hiss hand to London. She shook his hand and told him her name.

-So, what do you have to tell us? London asked him with a serious look on her face.

-As I said before my name is Lucas and I'm the president of the student council in my academy, which was made for kids like you or should I say like us.

-For kids with powers? There is a whole school with kids like us? Emerald asked him.

-Two actually, our academy is called Supernatural academy while the other school is the Dark academy,

-I don't see what this has to do with us. London said.

-I was hoping that you will join us, that you would become students at our academy. All the academy expenses will be covered, you will stay in the academy's dorms and you will have a part time job in which you will be able to buy food and other things that the school can't provide you with.

-How can the school help us?

-We can teach you control and how to surpass your limits, for what you are capable of and we will also teach you how to fight. But besides all that, our academy has multiple classes, it's not just a high school but it's also a university with medical classes and many more.

-So, if we come to your academy then we're not only going to learn control and spend our last high school year but also, we can study in any university degree we want even in humanities or in mathematics?

-Yes, Emerald, and like I said before you will also learn to defend yourself, your going to learn to fight with any kind of weapon you want. So, do you accept your scholarship in our high school and in our university?

-But we haven't even applied for the university. Emerald told him in confusion.

-You did when you got your powers. The girls look each other in confusion. You don't have to give me an answer right away, take these invitations, your names are written inside, also this is my number, when you reach your decision call me.

-Thanks, Lucas, for everything. Emerald told him. I'm going to call you when we reach a decision.

-Appreciated, I need to go now, take care both of you. After he said these words he left.

The girls sat down at a bench, they talked about the academy and about Lucas, whether they could trust him or not. As they were talking the boy with the black eyes was watching them within the shadows, he had lost his chance and Jay was to blame for all of this as he knew that he was the one to lead the students from the Supernatural academy to them.
