
Hurling Memorials Angrily

編集者: EndlessFantasy Translation

Han Moze hurled one of the memorials firmly at the head of Qiu Ying'an—the left minister while snapping angrily, "What the hell is written on that? Is it even readable? Redo it entirely before presenting it!"

"Yes, Your Majesty." The elegant but scrawny Qiu Ying'an quickly answered, turning pale immediately.

The numerous ministers at court all gaped in shock. Lord Qiu had always been praised, so why was he being taken apart today?

How unexpected!

Meanwhile, Han Moze flipped open another memorial, just before hurling it on the head of the minister behind Qiu Ying'an, coolly seething, "The handwriting is so terrible! Who could read that? Rewrite a new one before presenting it!"


Eventually, the morning court session was over after Han Moze had hurled over a dozen memorials.
