

ESPN had gotten news of these developments and had become breaking news that the best player in college basketball was being shipped off to the military. A lot of people view this as a target towards black folks due to a lot of black young men being forced into the military but the news tried to cover it up by saying that they were recruiting not only black folks but everybody else. The internet went crazy and said that they're taking the best college basketball player and that's going to ruin his future. They were saying I probably won't come back the same and would probably die out there like the rest of the military that were fighting the war.After a while, I stopped watching the TV and went to focus on getting ready for my next big adventure. The day of the agreements to leave finally came, everybody was crying as a whole city had come to say goodbye due to my large fan base. I had to say my goodbyes at school because I didn't want everybody to know where I lived.