
March Madness 2

The game continued on as we were evenly matched except that we were up by five points by the second quarter. I thought this match was going to be hard but with me balancing my abilities and just letting them score, I was able to also get open scores, so it became quite a balanced game. 

I knew that Gin hadn't turned it up yet because I've seen how he gets when he gets in the zone, he's completely unstoppable even though he's unstoppable now but when he's in the zone and he's guarding me he's able to block some of my shots which they haven't been able to so far. 

The score so far was my 55 to their 50. I scored 53 points due to the other players being locked down. Gin was covering Momba so I wasn't able to feed him the ball while Aki was trying to cover me, but I was still able to use my unlimited stamina on him as he started to get tired of chasing me around. 
