
Chapter Twenty-Five

The darkness felt somewhat familiar, I was standing in the only part of it lit by an endless circle of light.

"Ingrid we meet again.''

I spun around and was met by Thor.

Relief washed over me, "Well if you don't do something quickly we'll never met again.''

"What do you mean?"

I explained it all to him, the experiment, the clone  and Loki.

"Now he's out of control.''

He began to pace around me, swinging mjolnir around as he did so.

"It sounds as if they want him to destroy Midgard.''

"Is he even capable of such things?"

He looked me dead in the eye, which was a bit hard as he towered over me, "Well from what  you've told me it seems entirely possible that he would be capable of destroying your realm.''

"Well fuck that, can you help us in any way?"

He ran a hand through his blood red hair and stared at me, "I'll have to consult my father before taking any action.''

"Well could you hurry up and consult your father, like I'm literally on the verge of being killed and I don't feel like dying today.''

"I could bring him into this conversation, but that might take a while, but it could take even longer to persuade him without your input.''

"Well hurry the fuck up and get him here like now!" 

He disappeared  leaving me in the darkness by myself, I didn't want to walk anywhere and my feet weren't stuck to the floor, but I had this strange urge to walk out into the darkness. 

So naturally I walked out into the darkness.

The ground was like liquid, it was quiet hard to balance on.

"Now I know how Jesus felt.'' I mumbled.

And naturally due to my clumsiness I didn't manage a few steps before falling onto the black jelly floor.

"What is this?" I mumbled.

"An ancient substance that connects one world to another."

I spun around to be met by a rather old man's face.

"I am Odin King of Asgard." He said.

I smiled weakly.

"So your the big man eh? Big ol' papa bear. Honestly I thought you'd be a bit taller and chubbier. But you still look like your about to beat my head in because I talk a lot when I'm nervous so I'm just gonna shut up now and let you do your king like shit."

He stared blankly at me.  Before..


"I can see why Loki fell for you. You are so a like it's rather weird."

"Thank you... I think."

"Don't thank me yet Ingrid. Now Loki is causing havoc across Midgard because of the Frost Giants, due this indirect involvement we cannot get involved directly however, we can get involved indirectly like they have themselves."

"And how are you planning to do that?" I asked.

"By using you"

Right then would of been a good time to be drinking something, because I would have spat it out.


"Yes you."

"Are you sure? I have a habit of making things worse."

"You are the only one who could stop Loki and rid Midgard of the Frost Giants."

"So how will I indirectly stop them?"

"By using this," he pulled out a necklace with a red crystal on it.

"What's that going to do?"

"I cannot tell you, but it will come in use."

"Um okay, I'll be your indirect involvement."

He smiled and placed the necklace around my neck.

The darkness began to slip away and I woke up, still in Ashton's arms.

"Ingrid! You're still alive, thank god. Your crazy boyfriend is about to kill us."

"He'snit my boyfriend. And I have a plan, I think."

"You think? What does that mean?"

I looked down to see the necklace tucked safetly under my shirt.

"First thing first, put me down."

"What the hell? No way."

I glared at him, "Put. Me. Down."

He eased me down, legs first. I patted his shoulder before running into the storm, for the second time.

"Ingrid you idiot!" I heard Ashton scream.

Somehow, the ice didn't crawl up my legs, and everytime it tried it curled away, almost as if in fear.

"Loki!" I shouted into the storm.

"I already told you, I'm not showing myself, you took everything from me!"

Fool, I didn't want him to show himself I wanted him to talk so I could follow the sound of his voice.

The crystal around my neck began to glow, I walked in the same direction until a black, tall figure appeared in the distance.

"You cannot fool me with her face!'' He screamed at me.

I simply kept walking towards him, he threw waves of ice and snow in ny direction, but the crystal shattered wave after wave.

"What is this?" He screamed.

I got close enough to see his face, his skin had turned light blue, ice spread from his finger tips and his hair had turned a grey white.

I edged closer to him, "Who are you?!" He shouted.

I didn't reply I just got closer and closer to him.

Finally when I got to him I grabbed the back of his neck and brought his fave closer to mine.

And kissed him.
