
A Hero Saves the Beauty.

Spider who was at bottom of the airship who had contacted his leader for backup. Spider felt really relieved that someone like Invincible is coming to help. With that person, it would have been extremely easy for the two of them to capture their enemies without even the need to kill.

Spider knew he had to move quickly. After all, it was time to take some action before Invincible deal with the rest. Spider with his iron spider suit had then deployed tiny mechanical spiders that was then crawling all over the airships with quick haste and in certain positions so that it wouldn't destroy anything that was vital to the airship.

'This was too easy.' Spider was used to stealth and sneak attacks.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The mechanical spiders were bombs that detonated across over the surface of the airship itself.

In the room where Linley was resting in.

Melarue, his maid, was at by his bedside watching over him as he was sleeping.

When the explosions occurred. The entire airship rattled.

Melarue immediately knew what was probably going on. After all, Alice have carefully chose this ship. Meaning the ship should be fine and in working order. Something like maintenance failure was too uncommon.

There was a higher chance that intruders had sneak on board and is causing damage. After all, they had just recently left Havian Academy. Stowaways were a likely outcome.

Melarue was about to leave this room by the door and head on to deal with the situation. Since Alice was piloting the ship and navigating their journey. She stopped in her steps as she heard a familiar voice.

"Melarue..." A weak whisper came from Linley's mouth.

"You're awake now. Young master. I'm sorry, but I have to deal with this mess." Melarue smiled awry.

"Please... don't go." Linley stared with his half opened eyes.

"Young master, I believe there's intruders on this airship. If I don't deal with them, then harm might possibly come to you. Do not worry. You should have some trust in me." Melarue spoke the truth.

"Don't." Linley closed his eyes again as he begin sweating heavily into his new slumber.

Melarue left reluctantly.

Eventually... Melarue had not discovered any intruders inside the airship at all after a quick search even with wind magic. Perhaps they were outside.

Melarue was now at the top of the airship. Melarue met with a familiar looking person but was wearing something weird looking. Melarue immediately drew a stiletto from under her skirt.

It was Spider in his iron spider suit was just standing and waiting. Spider's earlier attack was just a distraction to annoy the pilot. Spider was originally waiting for Invincible to come at first. After all, Spider didn't know what trump cards that Ark was still hiding.

"Hello. You want to try stabbing me again? It's pointless you know. This armor suit is literally unbreakable. Feel free to try." Spider said without any worries.

Melarue charged forth and tried to stab Spider at his head once again.

The stiletto immediately snap in two as it flew away from her grasp as a sudden shock wave seem to have deflected it.

Melarue didn't believe in armor without any flaws. There must be some flaws. Melarue assumed the vitals were well guarded. Therefore Melarue knew using stilettos were essentially pointless.

Melarue instant cast multiple Wind Blades and sent all at Spider's body.

Spider stood without fear as he took all of them head on. All of these blades made of wind magical energy all seems to have dispersed on contact with his armor.

Melarue tried various type of wind magic but all of it seems to be ineffective. Even pushing him off with magic seems to be ineffective.

Melarue stared at Spider who was nonchalantly standing and waiting.

Melarue instant cast a darkness type magic spell called Shadow-Effect onto Spider's shadow that was on the ground. Melarue walked towards it and then pulled out a new stiletto and stabbed at the head of the Spider's shadow.

Spider who believed he was invincible because of his armor suit made of a mix of Vibranium and Adamantium. Spider simply didn't pay too much attention to the Baron's maid.

Spider suddenly got another stab at his head seemingly ignoring the defenses of his armor.

"You!" Spider shouted at Melarue. As he had realized he was really stupid.

Melarue drop a few dozen stilettos from under her maid uniform's skirt and proceed to stab Spider's shadow with all of them at once with extreme nimble dexterity.

Spider even with his iron spider suit fainted once again due to many sudden injuries and collapse to the ground into unconsciousness.

"This is really heavy." Melarue begin dragging Spider's body to edge of the airship. Planning on dropping this assailant into the deep blue ocean far beneath the airship.

Melarue was grabbing Spider by the legs and begin hoisting to at the edge of the top of the airship. She then easily pushed Spider off the very airship itself.

Melarue felt that she had dealt with the intruder with ease. Melarue was about to head down into the airship and meet up with her young master.

"Excuse me miss, but you shouldn't drop my friend like that." A farmer seemingly teleported at the top of the airship as well. The farmer was carrying Spider who was just pushed off.

Invincible dropped Spider gently onto the ground after all, Invincible didn't want to see Spider to be bouncing up and down due to how Vibranium works.

Invincible was staring at the elf maid and was wondering if these threats were even considered threats that require him to deal with.

Invincible had casually knocked out Alice and made the airship to just hover instead of moving in a direction.

Invincible had even used his x-ray vision and scan through the entire airship before doing anything at first. There were only three alive people on board. One of them is currently in a poor state.

"You. Who are you people? What do you want with the young master?" Melarue asked hoping to stall for time for Alice to arrive at the very least.

This new enemy was simply too fast for Melarue to follow with her eyes. Therefore she was clearly outmatched.

"We're just a humble peace-advocating organization made of special people. Sometimes searching for items that could end the world. So that we can safe keep them and prevent them from going into the wrong hands." Invincible casually summarized.

It didn't really matter how much time they wasted as long they get their job done.

"That's stupid. Isn't corruption a thing? And that power corrupts all." Melarue stated her opinion.

"Hmm. It's better to be in the hand of lesser evil than the greater evil is it not?" Invincible retorted.

"Evil is still evil. What is good is clearly untainted and pure. Therefore you should at least be destroying these items rather safekeeping them. Amassing power is always a sign of ambition." Melarue refuted.

"There are times for emergency where greater power is required. The weak is helpless in the face of the strong. Without power, one cannot control their fate or future. Instead, they'll be dancing in the palms of those who held power." Invincible spoke.

Melarue can't disagree with that logic. This world was run by the law of the jungle.

"What is this item you seeking for in my young master's possession?" Melarue asked wondering what is this thing they're seeking for.

"We believe your young master possess one of these items. This series of items is referred to as the Treasures of Calamity as an alias. When all of these items of this series are collected one can create or cause the extinction of races, destroy stars, or even recreate the world and it's very history. That's just at the tip of the iceberg here." Invincible explained.

"How absurd?! I can't even fathom my young master to even possess such an item." Melarue shook her head denying the possibility.

"It's just a possibility. After thorough investigation and even personal interrogation. We would find out whether this is true or not." Invincible explained.

"You..." Melarue felt irritated at the word of interrogation.

One must know personal interrogation in this world is akin to performing games of torture on the target to acquire information the target may know. Even if the target were to say all they did know. This game of interrogating might even continue and go to the extreme. Essentially interrogation and torture have virtually the same meaning.

For a modern day person who reincarnated into this world. They always believed that interrogation usually has no form of torture in it. As long as the person doing it wasn't a dark and cruel person.

Spider in his iron spider suit begin standing up from the ground awakening from his unconsciousness.

"You elf maid. Truly that was surprising. I don't think I have seen that spell before. That goes to show that underestimation is truly the bane of anyone." Spider said.

"Hey Invincible, I'm going to beat the living hell out of this maid. You don't mind do you?" Spider told Invincible.

"I stand by and watch. Remember to keep her alive. We need to make sure our investigation is thorough." Invincible warned.

"Read you loud and clear." Spider was spinning one of his arms.

"Hey! The Baron's son's maid. Let's call this the real round two. What a mouthful to say." Spider commented.

Spider charged forth at Melarue. Melarue was planning on the using same strategy as before.

Spider couldn't tell when a spell was instantly cast. But Spider could obviously tell when the elf maid was going to strike at his shadow.

Melarue used Shadow-Effect once more and begin throwing stilettos at Spider's shadow. But the waldoes that were attached to iron spider suit shot with energy blast at those stilettos. Sending those knives to be destroyed and sent flying away in fragments.

Melarue tried to dodge at what was going to happened next, but it was too later as Spider grabbed her by the throat and lifted her into the air. Spider was choking her with ease.

Melarue tried to struggle out of his grasp but it was to no avail.

"Your appearance remind me of her. I was feeling very nostalgic enough to even spare you from too much pain. But it seems my judgement had been blinded. A wench like you deserve to suffer a lot. Rejoice you're about to relieve at least the same amount that I put your young master through." Spider spoke with words that came from his heart.

Melarue's eyes stared at him with ferocity and anger, but was unable to speak due to being choked too hard.

Spider moved his other hand into palm gesture and was facing Melarue's stomach. That Spider's hand shot out a repulsor blast through the elf maid's stomach.

Melarue spewed blood from her mouth at being shot at that location.

Spider then sprayed her recently injured wound with some advanced healing spray, therefore causing the newly made wound to be heal without fail.

As soon as Spider was about to shoot another repulsor blast into this elf maid's stomach.

A gust of wind passed by. Melarue disappeared from Spider's grasp.

Spider and Invincible were in some shock at what they have seen next.

It was Linley now in a healthy state bridal carrying an injured Melarue in his arms.

"Young mast-" Melarue coughed blood before she finished speaking.

"Hey, little girl. You should get some rest and wait for your hero to come." Linley spoke oddly.

A clone of Linley conjured out of wind appeared next to Linley. Linley then hand over the maid in his arms into arms of his clone.

His clone while carrying Melarue seems to have vanished in a gust of wind.

Linley stood by his lonesome self as he unsheathe and draw out his sword of Kusanagi. Linley begin swinging with perfect form and stance. It was as if Linley had achieved mastery of using the sword.

Shua! Shua! Shua!

"What a terrible sword. Still it might get the job done." Linley commented.

Linley faced towards Spider and Invincible.

"I don't like bullying children. I let you kids take the first move. You two come at me with full force." Linley performed a hand gesture with his open hand signaling them to come at him.
