


"Are we there yet?" ellain asked "no we're not there yet" yuuno answered 1 HOUR LATER "are we there yet?" ellain asked again "NO WE'RE NOT " yuuno replied "are we there yet" ellain said again "we're here now shut up" yuuno said "im so tired" fender said "well for you i haven't eat anything all of you got to eat and all of you didn't left anything for me" yuuno said "well we're sorry let's just go to get the quest" ??? said "yeah yuuno-san let's hurry" ??? replied

well looks like the two came now. The first one is krist and the girl is rein it looks like they got lost in the forest which i don't know how they got lost in a forest when they have a map but it already happens so let's just continue the chat now.

"fine but were going" yuuno said "so what kind of quest is it?" rein ask "the quest is to go to the floor 17th to get the rainbow flower" yuuno said "wait we're going to get a rainbow flower but that's rare it's gonna be hard to get it" fender said "yeah yuuno-san how are we gonna get it" rein replied "oh it's gonna be okay" yuuno said 1 HOUR LATER "oh it's not okay"yuuno said "i told you its gonna be hard to get it" rein said "yeah well im sorry" yuuno apologize "welp it's gonna be a long time" fender said

to be continue...
