
Chapter 1066 "I Told You To Kiss"

Thinking about this, the emperor whistled to himself praising his genius idea to give the couple such tea. His face has literally turned into a secret pervert with his smile reaching his ears. The guests started to whisper seeing the emperor like that.

Realizing that his expression wasn't right, the emperor coughed once to hide his embarrassment. The man then spoke in a loud voice as he turned his head toward Li Shi Ying and Long Ao Zhen. 

"Stand up, face each other" 

The emperor crossed his arm in front of his chest right after he spoke so. The man subconsciously grinned again since this part would be the most exciting one. There wasn't any step like this in the original ceremony but he's the emperor. He could do anything he wanted. 

As a response to the emperor's order, Li Shi Ying and Long Ao Zhen slowly stood up. The two of them then turned their body around to face each other. 
