
Chapter 728 "Stamp of Approval"

"Oh! The translated scroll? Fine. Maid, escort the empress to her palace" The emperor patted his wife's shoulder as he commanded the maidservant waiting there to escort the empress to rest. The emperor told his wife that Long Ao Zhen would visit her later since they had a business to do.

"Son, don't forget to visit your mother" The empress walked pass Ling Ao Zhen as she looked at his son with a rather happy face. 

She was shocked and gloomy before knowing his son escaped just for a human girl but knowing he came back with a translated scroll..maybe he treated his wife well so he could get more translated scroll for their kingdom?

"Yes, mom. Just wait in your palace" Long Ao Zhen stood up and hug her mom before letting her go. His mother had a weak body because of that incident in the past. He couldn't bear to let her stay in this hall for business talk.
