
Chapter 607 "Typhoon"

"Get her!" The young man who was the leader of the 'baboons', shouted the order to the other students so they would start attacking. The students haven't attacked at all before, but when the young man shouted, one by one, they began launching their long-range attacks.


Three attacks immediately came to Li Shi Ying's direction. Each of the attacks contained quite a dense cultivation energy, so if someone got hit by it, they would surely be wounded.

"Speed." Seeing the upcoming attack, Li Shi Ying faced it calmly. She didn't even move an inch from her place. Instead, Li Shi Ying whispered to herself as she activated another speed talisman she still had in Mao Mao's storage.

Of course, she wanted to use barrier, but alas she used up all her barriers when she was in the poisonous valley.


A gust of wind suddenly blew right after the talisman was activated, and Li Shi Ying's body disappeared all of a sudden.

