
Ranking Up 5

Draco smiled. The fact that his Black Dragon could use his skills, techniques and abilities was a trump card no one had forced him to reveal yet! 

The Black Draco was he, and he was the Black Dragon! While it could not use fusion item and equipment skills, it could use any of the skills or spells he had learned from skill-/spellbooks. 

Any title he activated would affect the Black Dragon, so both his Mage God and his Master Craftsman title that were always on benefited the Black Dragon. This also included the Richmond's Herald title he currently had active. 

「Mage God (Rank 1) – Special Rank 

Able to use subjective magic without limits. Opens the willpower and concentration stats. Spells cost 10% fewer resources to cast. This Special Rank title is always equipped without occupying a slot.」 

「Richmond's Herald – Special Rank 

Mana capacity 100% 

Mana recovery 100% 

Skill cooldowns lowered by 50%」 
