
Cliff Courting Death

Lara and Charm wore their Exoskeleton and were finally deployed. 

When they got to the sea, they were stunned at what they saw.

Over fifty Exoskeletons were chasing around the three. The majority was focused on the blue Exoskeleton. Several more kept shooting and harassing the yellow one who kept diving back and forth to them, and several others were chasing after a naked man who was swimming around and was using the red Exoskeleton to playfully boop those nearby.

Since there were many near it, the other Exoskeletons didn't rush in to attack the group as they were afraid of friendly fire. They kept urging the pilots to retreat so that they could attack the Red Exoskeleton from a distance, but the five Exoskeletons had gone mad and were trying to smash and tackle the pilot from the many boops and pats that he was doing.

Charm was amazed, but Lara was horrified.
