
Eagle’s Trending Sermon: The Avenger of Blood (Auxiliary Chapter Volume 4)

Hi! This is Calvin Luther Eagle! As part of the protocols of posting sermons from the international market, my team has decided to split the sermon into two parts. The first half, which is now titled, the Cities of Refuge is now up on our site, and this is the second of that sermon titled the Avenger of Blood. And now, to the sermon itself…

The Avenger of Blood is a very interesting role in the Bible. And as we have already discussed the legality of killing in the Bible, let us understand the purpose of why the Avenger of Blood is allowed to kill.

The more you study the Bible, the more prevalent a certain theme appears. And that theme is Blood demands blood.

The first occurrence would be on the time of Cain and Abel when the first murder occurs. But it wasn't until the time of Noah. After the Flood, God tells them in Genesis 9:
