

編集者: Henyee Translations

Not being able to continue fighting side by side in the aerospace industry was unfortunate for Hou Guang. Hou Guang felt like his time working with Lu Zhou made him grow.

His growth wasn't only limited to his academic abilities, but also his leadership and management skills of a scientific research team.

Lu Zhou had plenty of experience in being a leader.

As the chief designer of the Chinese controllable fusion project, he was well versed in this area.

However, this skill couldn't be transferred to other people through teaching, only through experience.

Hou Guang sometimes thought that maybe the reason Lu Zhou decided to retreat from the front line was to give himself more room to grow.

Every time Hou Guang thought about this, he couldn't help but shed a tear.

People in the academic community that gave opportunities to the less fortunate was a rare sight.
