
A Humorous Person

When Xin Xiamu urged him back at home, Li Qiao had left to meet Yu Kim with utmost conviction. He had a resolute stance. No matter what he had to make his feelings clear today.

But now that he stood right outside Yu Kim's apartment, he was hesitating. He suddenly realized that he had no idea what to say to her. He kept pacing in the corridor anxiously trying to sort out his words.

"Sir, what are you doing here at this time?" He stopped pacing as he heard Yu Kim's voice from behind. Apparently, she was coming back from the market and he figured that since she was holding a few shopping bags in hand.

Whatever words he had come up with were suddenly flown away in the wind and he stood there gawking at her like an idiot. "Sir?" Yu Kim called again with concern.

"Ahem!" Li Qiao coughed a bit as he was startled awake. "I-I..." he stammered a bit trying to come up with an excuse. "Can I get a glass of water?"
