
Bleeding Heart

When Xin Xiamu came out to meet Li Qiao, he'd have never even thought that his life would take this strange turn. Even when his head screamed that Yu Kim didn't love him like that, he still wanted to fight with those thoughts. Now, his heart was wavering.

Seeing Li Qiao here was not a coincidence at all. He'd asked his aunt to confirm about Li Qiao's location before he drove to here. It was his misfortune that the moment he was going to go up to him, he heard the words he wasn't supposed to.

His thoughts were distorted while he felt dizzy. He took deep breaths to calm himself but it didn't work. He drove around the city aimlessly. From the morning till the sunset, he kept wandering around and when he parked the car, Xin Xiamu realized he was under Yu Kim's condominium building.

Closing his eyes briefly, he mustered up his courage and went up to the 8th floor. Ringing the doorbell, he waited patiently.
