
A Needle Prick

Meanwhile, Ye Jie was being indulged by two ladies; Dr. Alice and Zhu Qinyang, He Jian's mother. In the garden, they not only served hi Roman Chamomile tea but also served a whole range of dim-sums in the small baskets.

Ye Jie was like those people who had no heart to refuse an elder person so, he reluctantly kept eating. "Ye Jie, why are you so skinny?" He Jian's mother asked.

'I am not that skinny.' He wanted to say. After all, he took care of his body very well. But how could he speak that in front those gentle filled eyes?

"Yes, young man, you should a lot more." Even Dr. Alice agreed with her sister-in-law. After a while she added, "I didn't expect to see you here."

Ye Jie tried to smile and nodded while taking a sip of his tea. "I didn't as well, Dr. Alice."

"Oh, you can just call me Auntie Su if you like. Nobody calls me Alice here. Also, you're calling my sis-in-law as Auntie." Dr. Alice said.
