

Jayne continued her habit of maintaining a diary  after she moved to London with Ronnie. But, Ronnie wasn't aware of it at all until recently. Since he was resting at home, Ronnie was bugged when Jayne was busy at work and her university fest. He went to the study and thought of reading a book.

He opened the drawer of the table in search of a pen. There, he saw a diary. Curious, he opened it. The first page had the words Jayne Ronnie written beautifully in calligraphic style. That instantly reminded him of Maya's diary. It was so 'Maya!' Even Maya had written her name in calligraphy on the first page.

Ronnie hesitated to read further. After all, it was her private diary. He had read Maya's diary as it was the only insight to her earlier life. But the present diary was something she's writing now... consciously... Everyone's privacy ought to be respected.

He hesitantly took a sneak peak into the next page. Her words left him startled. "Dear Ronnie, if I ever regain my past memories at the cost of my current memories, please give me this diary! I promise... I will forever love you… to the moon and back… ~Love, Mrs Jayne Ronnie Roy, W/O Ronnie Roy♡"

Now, Ronnie didn't hesitate to read it further. Jayne had recorded every single detail of their days. She had penned down her feelings for him in such a way that in case she woke up one fine morning with no memories of Ronnie, she'd immediately realise her love for him on reading the diary. 

Ronnie felt warm on reading it. 

As he progressed, he realised how Jayne was longing to have a baby. She had very emotionally penned down her feelings for wanting to have a baby. But then, knowing the sensitivities of having a baby at the moment, Ronnie came up with an idea.

He thought of bringing Jayne to their orphanage and letting her spend time with these kids. If she wished to then he could even bring any of those kids home as well. But seeing that rare smile the kids put up on her face, Ronnie was very pleased with himself.

Ronnie strode towards her and hugged her. Jayne rested her head on his shoulders. The couple were having a silent, content moment.

Just then, one of the caretakers came out carrying a baby which looked like it wasn't even a day old. It was quietly asleep at the moment. 

"Sir, Madam, this baby was discovered at our orphanage premises this morning. The security didn't see who left the baby here. But, the baby's cries alerted him. He picked up the baby and brought it inside. 

"We realised that this baby isn't even a day old. It must be delivered last night or this morning. We don't know who or why this baby was disregarded by it's mother. As an orphanage, we have taken care of it." The caretaker explained.

She handed over the infant to Jayne who didn't hesitate to pick it up at all. Just as the baby was passed to Jayne, the baby slightly kicked it's arms and rested comfortably in Jayne's arms.

That slight kick from the baby stimulated Jayne's motherly love. Unknowingly, she herself felt all her affection pouring out looking at the baby in her arms. It's delicate pinkish white skin looked so fragile that Jayne very slowly kissed it.

Tears started streaming down Jayne's eyes with love for the child and hatred for it's mother. 

She turned towards Ronnie, "Ron, how could she even discard such an innocent baby which has barely opened it's eyes to the outside world. I don't really know what circumstances she was in. Or, if she's even aware that her baby is at the orphanage. But, I'm not letting this child go Ron. I want this baby." She pleaded Ronnie.

"Of course Jayne. We'll take care of this baby henceforth."

"I promise to give it all the love in this world, what it's mother failed to give." Jayne swore right there.

There are many chapters in this book with which I have a connection. . This is one such chapter ❤❤❤

Thank you so much for reading lovelies!❤❤❤

PS: The inspiration to this was just a random dream :D

~ Much love!

PisceanDreamcreators' thoughts