
Chapter 11.1: The Maze Spirit and The Tres Marias

It was Tuesday.

The day I dreaded most.

I felt like I'm going to have palpitation, nausea and PMS all at the time.

" I don't want to be there. Do something." I pleaded with Antoine.

"You agreed to go with him. There is nothing more I could do." I frowned at his reply since it felt like he was giving me away to Mariano.

He made me wear a navy blue and expensive dress from Paris. Hermana Auring graciously assisted me with my hair and makeup.

"Wait here." He proceeded to his room. Upon returning, he had a pearl necklace with him.

"Turn around."

"I am not wearing that." I refused to obey as I crossed my arms in front of me to show my protest.


"It's like you are dolling me up for a sale and I hate it."

"I'm not." he denied my accusation. He went behind my back and so swiftly, he put the necklace around my neck. He gently made me turn towards him. "Let me see."

I felt so embarrassed as he stared at me with satisfaction and admiration in his eyes.

"Be careful from Mariano." he warned. "A ruler away from him, do you understand? No, make that two or ten."

"Aren't you coming? Shouldn't you be my chaperone?" I was quick to say.

"I don't want to ruin your night with him. Enjoy." he told me sarcastically.

"Please..." I tugged at his sleeve.

When he did not respond, I firmly held his arm and shook it gently.

"Would you like to have a happy ending?" I started to bribe him. "How about a beautiful and kind wife?

"I am at your mercy, Miss Author. I don't take bribes."

I pursed my lips together, thought really hard of something that will change his mind.

A brilliant idea popped inside my one-of-a-kind mind.

If this does not work, Antoine Sta. Maria is a stone.

"You sleep nude during nights..." I began tormenting him.

It is his funny secret.

Even though he grew up in the Philippines, he is still having a hard time acclimating with the tropical weather especially during summer.

"H-How did you know that? Did you peep on me?" he inquired with a reaction comparable to a bewildered kitten.

"Do you like me to reveal to your readers how you sleep during those extremely warm nights?" I continued to blackmail him. "Your female audience would really, really love it!"

He was so embarrassed that he could not even look at me.

"And you sleep on a tub with nothing on too..."

"How? How did you also know that?" He blurted out. He put his hand on his forehead then totally covered his face in shame.

"Of course. I saw them all through my dreams. What if I put them into writing now so that the future could see Antoine in all his glory?"

He breathed in and out deeply.

"And do you know that I can draw too? I might even create a comics during the time when your sneaky female servant witnessed you in one hundred percent nudity."

"Alright! I understand what you are trying to imply, Miss Author. I'm coming." he finally surrendered.

I laughed victoriously as he looked at me with pleading eyes.

I defeated Antoine Sta. Maria and it feels so good.

"Is that a deal?" I held out my hand for him to shake. "If you disobey, your pet bird will be flying around in the Year 2020."

"I promise!" he instantly shook my hand to seal our agreement.

"You should, because I'm really tempted to have an illustrated version soon."

"I really do promise!" he repeated while raising his right hand like he was taking an oath. "I will follow you soon in Hacienda* delos Santos."

(A vast land with a dwelling house)

Then, we heard a knock.

He opened the door and as expected, Mariano greeted me with a winsome smile.

"Good afternoon, Bianca."

I was not able to react as he did "starstruck" me.

Admittedly, he looked impossibly dashing in a formal attire. Antoine was quick to scrutinize his entirety. I saw him frown a little like he was in deep thought.

"You are so beautiful, my lady." He broke the silence. He turned his eyes to his friend with a naughty grin. "And don't stare at me so much Antoinette, you are not my date."

"Date yourself." the latter spat out. As calm as he is, his patience seems to dwindle into half of its length when he speaks with Mariano.

"Nah! Come. Let's leave Mister Lonely." He offered his arm for me to hold on. For a while, I did not know what to do. Remembering that it was a usual gentleman's gesture to assist a lady during that time, I reluctantly held his arm.

"A-Antoine!" I called before leaving.

"Yes. I will follow you." he said with a reassuring smile. "No worries."

"Must he follow?" Mariano asked as we left him.

"Yes. He is my chaperone."

"You don't need him, honestly." he told me while assisting me with climbing the carriage. "You are safe with me."

I was extremely quiet during the trip. Starting a conversation with him just felt so uncomfortable for me.

"Did Antoine tell you something about me?" he began to speak with me in a very hushed tone. He seemed to be very mindful of his words.

"He said I should be careful from you."

"What? He said that?" he uttered with dismay. "I'm not a bad person, really."

"I know. You are just so naughty."

"They say thay all the time." he chuckled.

Minutes passed and both of us silently watched the scenery outside.

"Do you believe in paranormal things? Like fairies, elves, demons?"

He got my full attention at last.

"I see ghosts and spirits." I admitted.

"Really?" he said with relief on his tone.

"I see one on your lap, a girl."

"That's why it's a bit chilly." He looked at his lap and shuddered. "Is she..."

"Yes. I think she is a succubus." I joked.

"Inang mahabagin*!" he panicked while covering his crotch. "The sun is still up and she's out on a perversion spree!"

(Filipino term for "merciful mother")

"She is kissing you right now." I told him in a serious tone. The innocent ghost with the eye empty sockets laughed, knowing the prank I had on him. I winked at her so that she'll just play along.

"Seriously? Is she...pretty?"

"Goodness! And you still have the nerve to ask that?"

"Nah! I got you!" He moved closer to me and smirked. "My dearest is the jealous type. I knew it!."

"I-I'm not." I stuttered as my my heartbeat starts to race. My joke seemed to backfire and I hated myself for even doing it in the first place.

"Yes, you are."

"OK. Run away with your precious succubus. Bye!"

"I'd rather run away with you..."

"Shhh..." I shushed him as I already knew how good he is in sweet talks.


"Shhh..." I pouted and turned to the window's side, pretending to ignore him completely.

The ghost jumped out of the window with a wicked grin.

Instead of speaking, he took my hand and began writing on my palm.

"Are you mad?" he spelled with his finger. "Forgive me."

I shook my head "no".

"Do you want to hear an urban legend, instead?"

"Sure." I replied.

"Can I talk?"

"Go on!"

"Ha! That was torture! Silence will kill me!" he uttered in exasperation.

"No more naughty talks." I warned him. "Tell me about that spirit. It seems interesting.

"Oh. About the maze spirit." he leaned on the seat as he started.

"There is this certain spirit who had this bad habit of making people, especially women, lose their path on the road.

It was believed to be once a human child.

Nobody knew who his father was. He is said to be a priest's son but was never acknowledged at all.

His mother, being so tired of living in poverty, left him on a vast field.

For so many nights and days, he roamed yet he stayed lost looking for his mother.

He died of exhaustion and starvation."

"Poor child." I muttered. "How could his mother do that to him?"

"You're right, Dear. The mother is no good. Up to this day, he follows women of childbearing age, thinking that she is his mother." he continued narrating. "Unluckily, his target also becomes lost.

In fact, there was this incident of a woman who got lost for five days. When she was found, she was incoherent and told everyone that she saw a boy of about five."

I shuddered and felt so sorry for his victims. They could have been so scared as being lost in the middle of nowhere is like "mental torture".

"Haven't we passed here before?" he wondered while observing our surroundings. "That scarecrow is very familiar."

Then, everything became as dark as twilight. The carriage halted.

"Asistio, what' s happening?" he asked the coachman. We peered at the window to check on him.

The servant was silently looking at the darkening sky. He let out a scream and ran until we could not see him in the darkness.

The horses soon became agitated that they started to run so quickly. The carriage rattled violently as it hit stones and uneven paths.

"Stay calm. I'll just restrain these

horses." He opened the door and prepared to mount on the coachman's seat.

"Stop. I got it." I heard Antoine's voice.

The horses slowed down and began running in steady strides.

"When did you get here?" I joyfully inquired him. "That was quick."

"As promised, I followed."

"I think we have a little problem here." Mariano said while pointing at another scarecrow. "This is the second time we passed here."

Meters away, a bright light, comparable to a spotlight mysteriously appeared. Then, it moved towards our direction.

Antoine pulled the reins to a halt and immediately ordered us to dismount. "Get down! Now!"

Mariano assisted me through the door. Antoine took my hand and we darted away from the carriage.

We hid behind a tree.

Just like being vacuum-cleaned, the ride and the horses were sucked away to the sky.

Then, the persistent spotlight rushed towards us, specifically at me.

Mariano threw his coat over my head and grabbed me by the waist. He effortlessly lifted me and hauled me on his shoulder.

"Put me down!" I yelled.

Instead of letting me go, he tightened his grip on me and started running.

"You're the target. Forgive me."

"I can run! Tell him, Antoine!"

"I would have done the same. We just need to cover you up."

"Is the maze spirit after me?"

"Yes." they unanimously replied.

I was shocked.

And, enraged.

"I hate that maze spirit, Mariano! I am too young to be his mother!"

"But not too young to be my wife, eh?" he teased.

"I hate you too."

"No, you don't." he chuckled.

Naughty, naughty, Mariano!
