
To Keep An Eye On Him...

Lu Qiang met San Zemin after his father's accident through Lu Jinhai's assistant and Xiao Min's father, Xiao Dong. He helped Lu Qiang to get the secrets of so many people who were opposing Lu Qiang to lead this company and tried to covet his father's hard work.

Using those secrets, Lu Qiang made them shut their mouths. He turned a few of them to his side and those who were rotten to keep on his side, he got rid of them. Along with those people, Lu Qiang got to know the reason behind his father's accident but he had to keep his mouth shut because of certain reasons.

Other than Lu Qiang, only San Zemin and Xiao Dong were aware of this fact and they respected Lu Qiang's decision to turn a blind eye on the matter of his own father's accident. Once Lu Jinhai was completely alright, he too wished the same what Lu Qiang did.

"So what is the matter this time? Is someone annoying you again?" San Zemin asked.
