
The Queen’s True Goal (1)

The next day, my temperature went down but I still have a slight fever. Because of this I wasn't given permission to visit my mother in her quarters.

William has resumed his post, standing guard outside my room. Martha came in the morning and helped me get changed.

"It is good that your fever went down your highness." Martha said. "I was really worried when you were burning with fever yesterday."

"Thank you for the concern Martha." I replied. "I still have a slight fever but I am sure this will go away after I rest."

Martha carefully tucked the blanket at the lower half of my body. She brought a bed tray with her and put it over my lap.

"I have told the kitchen to prepare you a light breakfast since you are sick." Martha placed a bowl of steaming porridge on the bed tray. "Please eat to regain your strength your highness."

"Thank you once again Martha." I smiled at her.
