
'The Talk' / Thor's Blood

Sitting in the cockpit of the Quinn-Jet as it fly across the night sky towards New Mexico, with Oracle's help I confirmed that they are heading towards one of the hospital in Puente Antiguo.

15 minute before reaching our destination, Oracle said "Bernard called. He is looking for you".

"Patch it through" I said after setting the Quinn-Jet on autopilot.

"Excuse me, sir. I know you are busy but it is 1 A.M. and it is past your curfew" Bernard said sternly.

I exasperatedly replied "You got to be joking".

"Nope. What is your excuse this time, Master Harry?" Bernard asked in a serious tone.

"Well...It is 11 P.M. in New Mexico" I said chuckling trying to ease the tension in the air..

At the other end of the line, Bernard stayed silent.

"I am sorry! I should have informed you that I will be late" I hurriedly apologized.

"And…." Said Bernard as he dragged his words.

"I should have told you where I went…" I replied in defeat before mumbling to myself "Nightwing defeated by 'The Butler' threats".

"So….I need to speak with you, sir" Bernard said calmly.

"What is it, Bernard?" I asked before sighing to myself in relief.

"I know that you are mature for your age but I am still your legal guardian. And since you are not legally an adult, it is my responsibility to be worried about you, sir" Bernard said in a seriously.

"Alright, Bernard. I am sorry" I answered.

"Good… as your punishment I would like you to invite Miss Felicia for family dinner" Bernard said casually.

"What!?" I exclaimed in shock.

"I know it is risky but since she is your girlfriend I would like to get to know her" Bernard insisted.

"My God! We are dating not getting married!" I exclaimed.

"Don't worry, sir. By meeting her, it will be easier for us to determine whether we can trust her with your secret identity" Bernard said in concerned.

Sighing to myself, I replied "Alright".

Bernard said "By the way that reminds me, I have not given you 'the talk' regarding the matter of birds and bees".

"Whaaat!?" I shouted as my mouth hang agape but I can't stop my cheek from turning red in embarrassment.

"Have you slept with her?" Bernard asked persistently.

"Oh my god! We are not talking about this!" I said in disbelieve.

"Please tell me you didn't! Am I too late?" Bernard persisted.

"This conversation is over" I snapped back.

"Did you use protection?" Bernard asked.

I choked as I answered "What the...? Oh My God! No!"

Bernard hurriedly replied in surprised "You didn't?"

"What... I mean no as in 'NO' I am not going to have this conversation with you ever!" I exclaimed in horror.

"Master Harry!" Bernard said sternly.

"I haven't had sex yet, okay!" I replied in anguish.

"Good… Looks like it is not too late for me to give you advice..." Bernard said in relieve.

"OH GOD! PLEASE KILL ME NOW!" I shouted in exasperation


New Mexico

Few hours earlier.....

Thor Odinson aka 'The God Of Thunder' is an Asgardian Crown Prince and being the son of Odin 'The King of Asgard' and Frigga 'The Queen of Asgard', Thor is physically stronger than a normal Asgardian. He possess superhuman strength, speed, durability and longevity. And with his magical weapon Mjolnir, Thor possessed the ability to manipulate lightning, weather manipulation and flight.

Thor's irresponsible and impetuous behavior reignited the conflict between Asgard and Jotunheim (Kingdom of the Frost Giant) which caused Odin to punish Thor by stripping him out of his title and powers before being forcefully banished to Earth

The first thing Thor see when he arrived on Earth is its night sky but before he could comprehend about his current situation, he is blinded by blinded by bright headlights of a vehicle (SUV) that swerved right in front of him before it slam into him.


Astrophysicist Dr. Jane Foster, her assistant Darcy Lewis, and mentor Dr. Erik Selvig hurriedly exit the SUV.

Darcy anxiously said "I think that was legally your fault".

"Get the first aid kit" Jane said urgently as she rushed towards the person (Thor) lying on the ground.

"Come on, big guy. Do me a favor and don't be dead, okay? Open your eyes and look at me" Jane said worriedly.

Thor groggily opens his eyes to see Jane looking at him in concern.

"Wow! Does he need CPR? Because I know CPR" said Darcy excitedly as she approached closer.

Ignoring Darcy, Jane looked upward to see the storm above their head slow evaporate.

Thor abruptly got up on his feet causing Jane to topple backwards in surprise. Thor staggered on his feet before turning around and offered Jane a hand up.

After hesitant for awhile, Jane took his hand and he easily pull her up. Jane hesitatingly said "Uh.... thanks. Are you okay?".

Thor ignored her and start searching the ground while mumbling "Hammer.....".

"Yeah, we can tell you're hammered. That is pretty obvious" Darcy quipped.

Noticing something on the ground around them, Jane shine her flashlight down at the ground. Jane said "Erik, look at this!".

A faint discernible pattern can be seen etched into the sand. Both of the exchange look of excitement before Jane hurriedly took out her camera and start snapping photos of the runes which is slowly fading as the breeze of begin blowing them away.

Jane anxiously said "We have got to move fast before anything changes. We need soil samples, light

readings, everything" as she hurriedly pulls out a scanner and start taking readings before quickly jotting down in her notebook.

Selvig looked backed in concern at Thor who is staring up at the sky, Selvig said "Jane, we need get him to a hospital!".

"Not right now! It will take too long. County is an hour away. We will drop him off after we are done here" Jane said dismissively as she quickly scoops up a soil sample into a canister.

Jane gestured towards Thor said "Look at him, he is fine!"

Thor looked upward and start shouting angrily "Father! Heimdall! I know you can hear me! Open the bridge!".

Jane looked back at Selvig saying "Okay, you and Darcy take him to the hospital. I will stay here".

"You expect me to leave you alone in the middle of the desert?" Selvig replied.

Thor turned towards them snapped "You! What world is this?".

Selvig trying to calm Thor down replied "It is all right, my friend. We are going to get you some help" as he gently touch Thor's shoulder but he was rudely shoved away by Thor who grew agitated.

Thor roared angrily at them "Where am I? Answer me!".

As all of them slowly back away from Thor, Darcy reaches into her fanny pack and pulled out a taser. Selvig slowly explained "You are in the desert outside the town of Puente Antiguo".

Thor continue shouting "What Realm? Alfheim? Nornheim?"

Darcy said "Uh! New Mexico?" while pointing a taser gun at Thor.

Thor looked at the taser in Darcy's hand in confusion before roaring "You dare threaten Thor with some puny....."


Darcy fired the taser towards Thor's chest and electrocute him, Thor started convulsing before falling to the ground unconscious.

Jane and Selvig stared at her in shocked.

Darcy shrugged her shoulder innocently before saying "What? He was freaking me out".


Present time.... 11.30 P.M. (New Mexico)

After Jane, Darcy and Selvig left the hospital, I entered the hospital through the air duct and headed towards the staff dressing room to steal one of the hospital orderly's uniform. After changing changing into the orderly uniform, I heading towards Thor's room and on the way there I steal a syringe from one of the hospital tray.

Stalking outside his room, I waited patiently for the right opportunity.

When suddenly from inside the room a loud angry voice (Thor) roared "How dare you attack the son of Odin!".

The male nurse from inside the room called out "I need some help here!".

As the hospital orderlies raced towards him, I quickly sneaked into the room. The orderlies rushed towards Thor and tried to hold him down.

"We are trying to help you!" The nurse said trying to calm Thor down.

"Then bring me a healing stone, you savages!" Thor shouted as he punched one of the orderlies before hurling another one of them smashing against the wall.

As the security guards and male nurses charged towards Thor and struggled to hold him down, I rushed into the fight. The fight send furniture being overturned and medical equipment flying all over the room.

I grab Thor's right hand from behind and quickly pin him against the wall.

Another security guard grab hold of Thor's left hand shouted "What the hell is this guy on?" as more security guards and nurses rushed towards him.

Taking advantage of the confusion, I stabbed Thor's arm with a syringe and quickly draw out his blood.

"Ouch! What?" said Thor in pain as he struggled to looked over but I quickly looked downward so that he can't see my face.

As Thor struggle to break free, Thor roared "You are no match for the Mighty...." before fainting when a nurse pulled down his pant and injected him in the buttock with sedative.

With a sleight of hand I quickly hid the syringe inside my pocket, before stealthy exiting the room when the nurses and security guards place Thor who is unconscious onto a gurney and strapped him down.

A short moment later as I exited the hospital, I said "Oracle, tell Bernard that I am heading home".

Please review, write or provide feedback.... so that i can improve myself and the story....

Looks like I will wait until the Blue ray is out before watching Avenger Endgame..... so busy until go back from work around 11pm for nearly a week already.....so sad and tired

godfreyngszecreators' thoughts