
Fight in Hammer Industries (2)

After Ironman analyzing the information displayed on his helmet's HUD, he said "His energy signature is significantly higher".

Ivan Vanko aka Whiplash smirked as he glance at Ironman's direction saying "Good advice"

Confused by Ivan's sentence, Ironman replied "What?".

Ivan gestured towards his own miniature arc reactor with his hand said "You told me double cycle's more power. Good advice".

"You talk to much!" I said.

Before Ivan could continue talking his helmet suddenly slide down to protect his head from Agent Romanoff's head shots. Agent Romanoff quipped "I agree".

As her bullets deflect off his helmet, Ivan said "You will regret that" before extending out his armor's whips to his side and energizing it.


As the Ivan's electric whips buzz with power, Ironman with confidence said "So what? It is three against one!" as Ironman raised his hands and aim his repulsors at Ivan.

"Count again!" Ivan said cockily where a heavily retrofitted Ironman suit (Warmachine) armed with numerous weapons fly towards us with its weapons aimed at Ironman.

A confuse and desperate voice came out from Warmachine "Tony?".

"Rhodey" Tony replied confusedly before he was blasted away by Warmachine's repulsor.

"Lets see how you like fighting your best friend" Ivan said smugly at Tony before he turn to faced Agent Romanoff and me.

With Whiplash's massive armored figure facing us, Agent Romanoff said "Any bright ideas?".

Before I could reply, two electric whips started slashing in our directions. Both of us quickly jump aside to avoid the Ivan's bluish bright energy whips that send debris flying all over the workshop.

"Dammit!" Agent Romanoff cursed as she run across the room to avoid Whiplash's attacks and continued firing her handguns at Whiplash in attempt to find the armor's weak point.

"Working on it" I replied as I leap backward and throw several explosive wingding towards Whiplash.

Seeing that our attacks is not causing any damage, Whiplash smugly replied "Your toys is useless" before he continuing his attacks.


Meanwhile Ironman continue avoiding Warmachine's attacks by flying around the warehouse with Warmachine in close pursuit, Ironman shouted "Stop shooting at me, Rhodey! I know we had our differences but that man is the real bad guy here".

Warmachine shouted back "I am not in control. I am locked up. The whole system has been compromised".

"Jarvis, break in. I need to own him" said Ironman before flying towards Warmachine's chest and tackling him to the ground. After rolling several time together on the ground, Ironman quickly got back onto his feet and quickly stayed in close promity with Warmachine. Since Ironman is at a disadvantage in long range attack, Ironman decided to keep the fight close quarters.


Agent Romanoff rolled on the ground to avoid the humming blue energy whips, quickly got back onto her feet and continued firing her weapons at Whiplash which prove futile as her bullets ineffectively bounced off Whiplash's armor.

Seeing Whiplash slowly cornering her towards the wall, I shouted "Close your eyes" before hurling flash bang pellets toward Whiplash's helmet.

As the flash bang pellets exploded with a loud 'bang' sound accompanied by blinding light which temporary blinded Whiplash, I leap onto Whiplash's back.

"Hey, ugly motherfucker! Pick on someone your own size!" I shouted as I strike his back with punches in attempt to pierce through his armor before leaping away as Whiplash slam his back against the wall to throw me off his back.

Ironman swerve in the air towards Whiplash with Warmachine chasing him and weapons firing non-stop, Ironman shouted "A little help here, guys! I need some time to breakthrough Rhodey's firewall!" and he fired continuous repulsor beams towards the armored villain.

Agent Romanoff seeing that she can't do much quickly run out off the warehouse said "I am on it!"

As Whiplash staggered backward, I web line Warmachine and pulled him crashing down to the ground. Before crashing down, Warmachine shouted "Not too rough!". After that, I quickly leap toward Warmachine and pulled off his shoulder mounted machine gun.

"STARK!!!!" Whiplash shouted as he sliced his whips towards Ironman. Whiplash's whip slammed into Ironman and sending him hurtling through the air before crash into a stack of crates.

"Tony…" Warmachine shouted in concern as he watched helplessly from inside his suit of armor.

While I was webbing up Warmachine into a cocoon, Whiplash launched another whip attack towards me. Leaping away from the path of Whiplash's attack, I quipped "Since you don't like Tony shouldn't you be attacking him!".

"This is ridiculous!" I complained as dodging another attack before throwing several explosive wind dings towards Whiplash. The wingdings exploded is it slammed into Whiplash but it only knock Whiplash a few step back.

Whiplash cockily replied "Your attacks are useless!".

"Shut up, Vanko!" Ironman shouted before firing a powerful unibeam blast towards Whiplash and creating a crater as the blast slam Whiplash into the ground.

As we watch Whiplash get back on his feet, Ironman said "I think you should stop holding back, Nightwing!"

"Yup" I replied.

"So what next?" Ironman asked as we watch Whiplash's armor hummed slightly louder which indicate he is increasing his suit's power.

"Hit him fast and hard!" I answered as we charged forward.

Before we could get close to him, Whiplash used his whip to grab Ironman midair and throw him towards me.

"Ah…crap-basket!" I cursed as I dodged Ironman by crouching down before jumping towards Whiplash and hammer in with a fury of punches towards Whiplash's body.

I followed my attack by grabbing his arm and delivering a powerful kick to Whiplash's stomach.


With each attack made Whiplash's armor started receiving more damages and dents.

"My turn!" said Ironman as he quickly fly behind Whiplash and start shooting bombardment of high-intensity repulsor blasts and missiles that caused the area around Whiplash to start tearing apart the warehouse's floor and increase the temperature of the surrounding area.

Whiplash anchored his legs on the ground and bracing himself when he received Ironman's attack, before snarling "Enough!" as he suddenly turned around and grab Ironman by the throat.

Caught unprepared by Whiplash, Ironman barely had any time to put resistance as Whiplash smash him to the ground.

"Not good!" Ironman exclaimed as he felt the intense pressure of Whiplash's attack baring down on him like an anvil.

"Tag!" I said as I jump into the air and delivered a powerful stomp kick that sent Whiplash smashing through concrete blocks and crates in the Warehouse.

"You draw his fire, use your suit's mobility! I will take him from behind" I said.

Ironman replied laughing "I didn't know you swing that way"

Realized what he meant, I snapped "Get you mind out of the gutter!"

Before Whiplash could fully recover, I delivered a kick on Whiplash's stomach sending him flying backward and Ironman come flying in delivered a blow directed toward Whiphead's head.

"Bastard!" Whiplash cried out before hitting the ground.

The concrete blocks were blown to pieces as Whiplash punch the floor in frustration.

"Oh, he is pissed!" Ironman said teasingly.

"What tipped you off?" I quipped back before shouting "Duck!".

Whiplash grab a giant steel beam and started swinging it at us like he is trying to hit a fly with a baseball bat. Both us quickly leap aside to avoid Whiplash's whips but while dodging each attack made by Whiplash, we strike him with our own attacks.

Whiplash realizing his attacks is useless, throw the beam toward Warmachine who is lying on the ground. Ironman was struck by the beam head on as he try to protect his best friend, sending him flying backward and smashing into the ground.

"That must have hurt!" I muttered to myself as I watch Ironman flying away like a baseball.

Seeing that I was distracted, Whiplash lunged his whips toward me.

"Oh, Shit!" I cursed as my spider sense warned me of incoming danger.

I quickly ducked under the Whiplash's whips that could easily cut through my body.

As I quickly leap and somersaulted out of Whiplash's path of attack, Whiplash in frustration shouted "I will not allow you to destroy everything that I have built! Stark Industries is rightfully mine!"

"I am sick of your damn crazy mumbo jumbo!" Ironman complained before delivering a continuous powerful stream of unibeam blast that slammed into Whiplash with the force of a freight train slamming into someone.

Under the sheer intensity of Ironman's attack, Whiplash's bone broke and cracked before crashing through the remainder of the warehouse.

"ARGH!" Whiplash shouted in pain as he slammed through all the obstacles and walls before groaning in pain "Ughh!!" as he fall to the ground.

Please review, write or provide feedback.... so that i can improve myself and the story

Hope you guys enjoy the story...Sorry for the huge delay.... caught a bad flu and was really busy with work... all the best...... maybe going to watch Avenger Endgame this week if I can find time

godfreyngszecreators' thoughts