
X-Mansion Under Attack (3)

Maverick crashed into the ground rolling before stopping in a crouching position with his pistols in his hands. Pressing down on the pistol's trigger, Maverick start firing bullets in my direction.

I evaded Maverick's attacks by leaping from side to side and quickly close in the distance between us. Approaching Maverick, I delivered a turning kick directly at Maverick's head causing him to step back. I quickly followed up my attack my smashing several more blows at his head with my electric sticks before hitting away the pistols out of Maverick's hands.

Maverick retaliated with his own punches with increasing strength with every hit received.

Dodging a punch directed at my head by weaving my body like a boxer, I countered with an elbow strike toward Maverick's jaw. The impact of the blow only force Maverick to take a step back and it didn't even fazed him. Realizing that my attacks weren't working, I decided to change my strategy.

Avoiding a series of combination punches, I grab Maverick's arm and use my whole body to twist his arm while locking my legs over Maverick's body. The force of my attack brought both of us to the ground and help me set up an arm bar.

In an arm bar lock position both of us continue struggling on the ground before a loud snap could be heard as I dislocated Maverick's arm and shoulder.

"Arghh!" Maverick shouted in pain before pulling out a dagger with his other hand to stab me.

I rolled away from Maverick to avoid the dagger and quickly got back onto my feet to faced Maverick

"There is nothing that you can do to stop me!" Maverick snapped at me before rushing towards me with a dagger in his hand. At the same time feeling annoyed that my attacks did fazed Maverick , I took out the X-gene power suppressor handcuff out of my utility belt.

"My turn!" Cyclops shouted as he blasted a huge stream of blast in an upward direction toward Maverick's side sending him hurling into the air and flying into the distance.

I glance towards Cyclops saying "Seriously!".

"What?" Cyclops replied panting while trying to catch his breath at the same time.

"Never mind! Lets deal with the other enemies before he return. But seriously we could have use power suppressing handcuff to capture him" I answered back feeling that it is a pity that I didn't place a tracer or capture him in time.

Cyclops noticing the handcuff in my hand hurriedly replied "Err.... Hurry lets help the others" before running towards the X-Mansion.

Sighing to myself, I followed Cyclops's lead.

While running towards the X-mansion, I shoot a tracer towards one of the fleeing soldiers saying "Oracle keep track of them!".


Inside the X-Mansion

Loud explosive and crashing sounds could be heard from outside the building.

"What was that?" Omega Red said felling confuse since the sound of the weapons outside is not similar to any weapon's sound that the organization used.

Wolverine chuckled weakly before saying "Looks like they just brought the fight here! You are all so screwed bub!".

"Shut up!" Omega red snapped as he punched Wolverine's stomach. Due to Omega Red's power, Wolverine is weaken and his healing power is slower than usual.

Wolverine is in a tight spot as Wild Child approached him with his claws extended. Suddenly Wild Child is send flying smashing through the wall by an ice blast.

Iceman climbed out the hole in wall shouting "Let him go!" as he aim his hand at Omega Red.

Omega Red quickly used Wolverine as his shield by placing Wolverine in front of him provokingly said "Looks like you have some fight left in you! Come on attack me! Show me what else you got!" while swaying Wolverine around like a rag doll.

Iceman stared angrily at Omega Red but before he could do anything, Wild Child lunged towards him and tackled him to the ground.

Iceman groan in pain as the impact send both of them crashing into the ground with Wild Child on top of him. Before Iceman could defend himself, Wild Child lifted Iceman into the air by the neck with one hand and hurling him towards the wall.

As Iceman nearly smash into the wall, Marvel Girl arrived at the scene and used her telekinetic power to stop Iceman in the air. Marvel Girl shouted in concern "Bobby, Are you okay?" before using her powers that send the feral mutant flying across the room.

"Urghh.... I am okay" Iceman replied groaning in pain.

Without listening to Iceman reply, Marvel Girl use her telekinetic ability to force Omega Red to release Wolverine and sending Omega flying towards Wild Child.

Wolverine struggle to get back on his feet mumbled weakly to himself "Something is wrong! My healing power is not working".

Marvel Girl with determination said "I will handle things here! Bring Beast and Wolverine away and get back here asap!".

"But..." Iceman replied hesitatingly.

"No BUT! GO!" Marvel Girl raised her voiced answered.

"Okay! Be careful! I will be back soon!" Iceman caution her as he used his power to create a platform to bring Beast and Wolverine away,

Both Wild Child and Omega Red quickly got back up to their feet and tried to prevent Iceman from escaping. Omega Red said "You are not going anywhere!" striking his whips towards Iceman with a blow that could kill any normal human.

"Not on my watch!" Marvel Girl shouted out determinedly as she created a mental barrier to block Omega Red's attack.

"Grrr...!" Wild Child growled as he strike the barrier fiercely continuously.

"Urgh!" Marvel Girl groan in pain as she struggle to maintain the barrier in front of her.

As Marvel Girl's barrier slowly start cracking under the immense strength of the two intruders, Shadowcat phased into the room.

"Hey Asshole!" Shadowcat shouted as she rushed towards Omega Red's direction.

"Just another puny little girl" Omega Red smirked as aimed his whips at Shadowcat.

Shadowcat phased through Omega Red's attacks and grab hold of his waist to quickly phase Omega Red into the ground leaving only Omega Red's head above ground.

Shadowcat quickly got back out from the ground but she started swaying weakly on her feet.

"I don't feel so good" Shadowcat mumbled while holding her head at the same time. Seeing this Wild Child took the opportunity to attack Shadowcat with his claws.

"Kitty!" Marvel Girl shouted as she rushed to protect her friend.

Marvel Girl used her telekinetic power to push Wild Child away as his claws barely missed Shadowcat's neck before taking several steps back due to the impact of her power.

Marvel Girl supported Shadowcat by placing Shadowcat's arm over her shoulder said concernly "Are you alright?".

"I am just need to catch my breath. Do you know what is happening outside?" Shadowcat asked weakly.

"No, but we need to quickly deal with things here and help Cyclops" Marvel Girl answered with her mind.

Just as Marvel Girl is preparing herself to launch another wave of telekinetic attack towards Wild Child, she started feeling weak and dizzy.

"What? What is happening?" Marvel Girl said feeling confused.

Wild Child smash the floor allowing Omega Red to climb out of the ground.

"Hehehe! Do you like my power?" Omega Red grin evilly as dusted his clothes.

"What have you done?" Marvel Girl shouted weakly as both Shadowcat and her struggled maintain on their feet.

"It is none of your concern. You only have two choice follow us or die! Wait, it is more of a one choice since we will be doing a lot of experiments on all of you" Omega Red gloated at her.

"We will fight until our last breath!" Shadowcat answered back angrily while Marvel Girl used her mind to tell Shadowcat "We need to regroup!".

Shadowcat weakly nodded her head at Marvel Girl's suggestion. Before they could plan their escape, Omega Red attacked with his whips.

As the whips nearly strike both of them, a figure suddenly rushed towards Omega Red's side and delivered a sidekick at Omega Red's stomach.

The blow send him smashing into Wild Child and send both of them crashing out of the building through the brick wall.

The figure reveals to be Nightwing that said "It is a sin to treat beautiful girls like this!".


I glance at both Shadowcat and Marvel Girl who had their mouths agape at me saying "Please tell the Professor that hole is not my fault!" as I pointed towards the hole in the wall.

Shadowcat nodded her head as I quickly leap out of the building.

Jumping out of the building, I saw both Omega Red and Wild Child slowly climbing out of the debris.

"Nightwing! Looks like it is our lucky day! Buy one free one!" Omega Red smirked as he held his stomach in pain.

"That is what you think!" Cyclops shouted from inside the mansion as he fired his red concussive beam at Omega Red from the same hole in the wall.

Please review, write or provide feedback.... so that i can improve myself and the story .

Real Life sucks!!! Either Work! Commitment! Busy! Money! ....Wish everything is more simple...

godfreyngszecreators' thoughts