
X-Mansion Under Attack (1)

The soldier turned towards his lieutenant saying "Keep pushing forward! The Weapon X is in route" as he gestured towards the building indicating the soldiers should continue their attacks on the X-Mansion.

While some of the soldiers continue firing their weapons towards Cyclops aka Scott Summers in order to pin him down, the other armed intruders break into the X-Mansion from the windows and back door.

Before they could proceed further into the building, they encounter a red haired woman wearing X-Men uniform blocking the corridor. Marvel Girl aka Jean Grey used her telekinetic powers and lifted several of the soldiers into the air and throw them towards their teammates.

After that Marvel Girl continue her attack by using kitchen utensils and debris as flying projectiles while using the furniture to defend herself from their attacks. The soldiers quickly scattered to avoid her attacks and fired back with their weapons.

Most of the mercenaries had been incapacitated by the storm of ruble that had been unleashed on them, but the remaining troops readied their weapons to return fire.

Suddenly a loud sound 'BAMF!' can be heard from behind them.

The soldiers quickly turn around to see a dark blue fury mutant punching and kicking several of the soldiers from behind.

One of the commanding soldier shouted "Kill him!" as he started shooting his assault rifle at Nightcrawler aka Kurt.

Nightcrawler teleported and leap from one corner of the room to another avoiding their weapon fires. After that Nightcrawler started grabbing the soldiers from behind and teleported the soldiers to X-Mansion's rooftop one person at a time before throwing them off the rooftop.

In the living room, Wolverine aka Logan impaled a soldier in the chest with his claws before throwing the person aside. As the soldiers continue shooting at him, Wolverine growled angrily at them as he cross his hands in front of his body to block their bullets and charged towards them.

After killing several of the soldiers with his claws, Wolverine grab one of the soldiers and slam him against the wall shouting aggressively "Who send you?".

Wolverine put retracted the claws from his right hand and placed it underneath his chin growling "You have the count of three to tell me everything?"

"Die freaks!" the soldier shouted back.

"One....." said Wolverine as one of three claws came out.

The soldier keep his mouth shut but started sweating nervously.

"Two..." Wolverine said threateningly as the second claw came out and place the soldier's head in between the two claws.

The soldier sweated profusely as he realize the danger he is in.

"Th...." Wolverine said before he is quickly interrupted by the soldier.

"Don't kill me! You use to be one of us! We are covert organization call Weap..." the soldier shouted but before he could finish, one of the dying soldier silence him by shooting directly in between his eyes before dropping dead.

Iceman aka Bobby came sliding into the living room followed by numerous gunfires as he unleased a long stream blast of Ice to form a wall to block the doorway.

Iceman shouted angrily at Logan saying "Why are these fuckers attacking us!"

Wolverine growled back "I don't know but we will give them hell!" as he lead Iceman to continue attacking the soldiers in the building.

"Wow!" Bobby exclaimed to himself as Storm aka Ororo use her power to create a strong gust of wind blowing the soldiers away from the building.

A short moment later, several flashes of lightning illuminate the area as Storm started blasting lightning blast towards the helicopters surrounding the X- Mansion. The strong gust of wind and lightning send the soldiers and helicopters to retreat further away from the building.

Cyclops run out of the building and start shooting red concussive blasts cover fire towards the soldiers to help protect Storm. Cyclops shouted "Eat this!" as the soldiers is pushed further back away from the X-Mansion.

In another corner of the X-mansion near the garage, Shadowcat aka Kitty is phasing through walls avoiding the soldiers gun fires before phasing back and delivering punches towards the head in effort to knock them unconscious.

One of the soldiers grab her arm and sneered saying "Got you, pipsqueak!".

Shadowcat quickly phase throught the guard and kick hard in between the soldier's legs causing him to quickly drop to the ground moaning in pain while holding his private part.

"Sorry about that but it is your fault for attacking us" Shadowcat grimaced as she quickly phased one of the other soldier halfway though the wall before running away to avoid the wave of gun fires.

Meantime in the Danger Room, Professor Xavier and Beast has gathered the students there for their own safety. Professor Xavier is in one corner of the room deep on though as he is puzzled to find that his attempt in reading the intruders mind proove to be unsuccessful. The only thing he could get from the intruders is muffled voices.

The fight start turning into X-Men's favor as they force the soldiers and helicopters to withdraw further away from the X-Mansion. One the soldiers called out to his officer "Sir, they have arrive!".

The commanding officer smirked saying "Good! Pull the soldiers back".

A figure looking like a walking armory carrying several guns and wearing heavy battle armor with a metallic face mask slowly approach the mutants (Cyclops, Marvel Girl and Storm) fighting at the X-Mansion's compound.

The man pressed his communicator saying "Maverick here, I will deal with the mutants outside. The rest of you take out the mutants inside".

Ignoring his teammate response, Maverick drawn his pistols from the holsters and casually walk towards the mutants.

Maverick aim his weapons at both Cyclops and Storm before continuously firing his pistols at both of them at the same time.

Before the bullets hit them, an invisible force field protected them from his attacks.

Marvel Girl floated and placed herself in front of both Cyclops and Storm while facing him.

Marvel Girl's eyes glow from the use of her power as she said "You will pay for that!" as she unleashed a telekinetic energy attack sending Maverick smashing through several trees at the compound.

A short moment later, Maverick stood back up looking completely unharmed said "I am unimpressed" as he countered her attack by shooting at Marvel Girl with his pistols.

Marvel Girl quickly block the bullets with a wall of telekinetic energy.

Cyclops step aside and unleashed a large blast of concussive red energy towards Maverick shouted "Take this!" while Storm prepared herself to defend them from any attacks from the soldiers.

Maverick planted his feet into the ground and faced the attack head on as Cyclops's red concussive energy beam struck him and slowly pushed him backward.

After a long stream of attack, the dust slowly disperse to reveal Maverick still standing unhurt at the same spot.

Cyclops, Marvel Girl and Storm is surprised to see Maverick's ability to withstand Cyclops's attack,

Maverick's mutant powers allow him to absorb kinetic energy from any impact with his body while taking little to no damage. He can store that energy and convert it into concussive blasts from his hands, or increase his physical strength up to tenfold. Maverick also underwent an experiment by the organization that help give him superhuman healing factor.

Maverick dusted himself saying "Is that the best you can do? I am really disappointed!"

Maverick's hand start glowing bright yellow as he glance at them saying "My turn!" before unleashing his energy blast.

Storm quickly countered by shooting lightning towards Maverick's incoming energy blast. As both of their attacks hit each other, it created a shock wave that shattered the windows and send everyone flying backward due to the impact.

Maverick quickly stood back up and aim his pistols at the mutants. Before he could pull the trigger, Beast aka Hank McCoy jump in legs first and slam into Maverick's back sending him smashing into the ground.

"Stay down!" Beast growled as leap toward Maverick.

Avoiding Beast's fist, Maverick quickly picked himself up with his fist glow with energy again and struck hard into Beast's stomach with his fist.

"Wha...ooof" Beast's sentence is cut short when Marverick's fist sent him flying and smashing into several trees before rolling on the ground due to the impact.

"Hank!" Storm shouted.

Please review, write or provide feedback.... so that i can improve myself and the story .

Working on this fight is difficult.... if any complains pls tell me... by the way busy at work

godfreyngszecreators' thoughts