
Robot Match

Arriving at Tony's Mansion in my Nightwing's suit (and a bag of popcorn), I notice that Tony is drunk and partying as if is his last day on earth while wearing his Ironman's armor.

Hiding myself at the ledge of the building and I started watch Tony's antics. While I am enjoying the real life movie experience of 'Ironman 2 movie', I start eating my popcorn.

Tony on stage with a mike said "You know, the question I get asked most often is, 'Tony, how do you go to the bathroom in the suit?'".

After a few second of silence as he relieve himself in his suit, Tony said "Just like that".

The crowd started cheering.

Pepper walks up to Tony and took the mike away from Tony's hand said "Does this guy know how to throw a party or what?"

As Tony and Pepper start whispering to each other, I said "Oracle, prevent all the guest from recording Tony making an ass of himself.

"Why?" Oracle replied.

"Lets just call it a birthday present and I am slightly annoyed to hear Tony's name being mention on the news" I answered back.

Oracle replied "Alright".

With my enhance hearing, I can hear Tony whispering to Pepper "Come on, you know you want to".

"You just peed in the suit" Pepper replied feeling annoyed. (I started laughing at her statement)

"I know. It has a filtration system" Tony answered as he swayed slightly .

Pepper feeling disgusted replied "It is not sexy".

"You could drink that water" Tony said back in a matter of fact tone.

I hid myself as few girls in swimsuit tops walk pass me toward the stage.

"She's right. The party's over! Then again, the party was over for me, like, an hour and a half ago. The after-party starts in 15 minutes! And if anybody, Pepper, doesn't like it, there's the door!" Tony said as he gestured towards the door but accidentally shooting his repulsor at glass wall.

As the glass wall break into pieces, the crowds started cheering louder.

As one of the girl throw a bottle of campaign into the air, Tony shoot the bottle in the air causing the crowd to cheer excitedly.

Drunk girls started throwing things into the air for Tony to shoot, as the crowd cheered and clap the hand when Tony successfully hit each target.

Few minutes later, Rhodey in one of Tony's armor shouted "I am only gonna say this once. Get out!" before the helmet slips down.

As the guest start leaving, I said "Finally,It is show time!" as I continue eating my popcorn excitedly.

"You don't deserve to wear one of these" said Rhodey as he approached Tony before warning "Shut it down!".

Tony in his drunk stupor called out to his DJ "Goldstein".

The DJ Goldstein come out of his hiding place slowly replied "Yes, Mr Stark?".

"Give me a phat beat to beat my buddy's ass to" Tony ordered before laughing to himself as 'Queens song Another One Bites the Dust by Queen' start playing.

Rhodey grab on Tony's shoulder from behind with his right hand said "I told you to shut it down!".

Tony use his repulsor suddenly flew backward and send both him and Rhodey smashing through the wall into the Tony's gym room.

Seeing that their fight might endanger the guests, I decide to evacuate everyone away. I shouted to get their attention "Everyone, Get out now! Move! Move! Move!" as I started chasing the out of the building towards the driveway while using my electric sticks to scare them away.

In the gym room while Tony is walking away from Rhodey who is lying down on the ground, Tony cockily said "Now, put that thing back where you found it before someone gets hurt!".

Rhodey picking a weight and throw it towards Tony like a Frisbee. Rhodey continue picking up weights and throw it towards Tony to distract him.

"Really?" Tony said arrogantly as he pick up a barbell and swing it like a bat towards Rhodey sending him flying towards the wall.

"Sorry, pal, but Iron Man doesn't have a sidekick" Tony said as he flew closer towards Rhodey.

Rhodey grabbing a nearby pipe and started hitting Tony several time as he said "Sidekick this".

As they are struggling with the pipe, Rhodey kick Tony's leg sending him falling down on his knee before throwing Tony up through the ceiling creating another hole.

While all this is happening, I quickly approach Pepper and Natalie as Pepper is getting ready to give Natalie aka Natasha Ramonoff a scolding.

I shouted "Both of you get out now!".

Pepper look at me with a confuse expression said "Nightwing, what are you doing he....".

I quickly interrupted her by shouting "Less talking more running! Make sure all your guests is outside at the driveway!" as I look around and made sure no one else is at the balcony or in the building.

Natalie quickly grab Pepper's hand and pull her out of the building.

Few seconds later, Tony and Rhodey come crashing down from the ceiling.

Tony and Rhodey is to busy fighting each other to even notice I was there. Both of them continue swinging punches at each other as if they are boxers in a boxing match before Tony grab Rhodey's head from behind and send him smashing head first into the kitchen counter.

As Tony look around at all the destruction in his building, he notice me. Tony angrily said "What are you doing here? Are you here to mock me too?"

While Tony is distracted, Rhodey grab the sink and smash it against Tony's back sending him smashing into the wall.

"Stop messing with me" Tony shouted angrily as he pointed his repulsor towards Rhodey. Seeing this I quickly went for cover.

Rhodey pointed his repulsor towards Tony saying "Put you hand down!".

"You think you got what it takes to wear that suit?" Tony said threateningly.

"We don't have to do this, Tony!" Rhodey said as he tried to reason with Tony.

Tony keep on provoking Rhodey said "You wanna be the War Machine! take your shot!".

"Put it down!" Rhodey quickly replied.

"You gonna take a shot?" Tony said as the repulsor started charging threateningly.

Rhodey's repulsor also started charging as he said in a commanding voice "Put it down!".

"No!" Tony shouted as the repulsor started humming louder over time.

"Drop it Tony!" Rhodey shouted as his repulsor started humming louder too.

"Take it!" Tony shouted back as both of their repulsor blast meet and created a massive explosion destroying everything in the mansion while at the same time knocking both of them backward.

While lying on a pile of rubble, Tony looks at the aftermath of his battle with Rhodey before seeing that Rhodey flew away with his armor.

I approach Tony who is still lying down, I said "Have you heard the term 'Don't drink and drive', in your case I should say 'Don't drink and play with dangerous weapon'".

Tony groan to himself before slowly sitting back up saying "Are you here to make fun of me?".

"No, I am not! I am here just to give you some tips" I replied as I extended my hand out to him.

Tony snorted his nose as he grab my hand and I pull him up to to his feet.

As Tony's helmet slide up, Tony said "What is it?".

"I have a way to help cure your paladium poisoning" I replied getting Tony's attention.

"How do you know about that? Have you been spying at me?" Tony said as he glared at me.

"Cool your jet! I have better things to do rather than stalking you! As for how I know, I am a slight science nerd too" I replied.

"So what do you want in return for the cure? If you want my suit too, the answer is no!" Tony said as he grab a bottle of water from the fridge.

"I don't need it. I am not giving you the cure, you will be finding curing yourself but first I will recommend you to inject yourself with lithium dioxide to help weaken the effect of the poison" I replied.

"So how should I cure myself?" Tony asked as he started drinking from the water bottle.

"The need to replace the element in your arc reactor" I answered .

"That is your advice? You are wasting my time! I have already tried every combination, every permutation of every known element" Tony sighing to himself feeling disappointed.

"I am not finish! The answer for the replacement element is in your father's 1974 Stark Expo model" I replied.

"I don't understand" Tony said looking at me with a confused expression.

"Just look at the overview of the model, you will understand me once you look back" I answered as I walk towards the balcony.

Noticing that Happy Hogan, Natalie, and Pepper is entering the building to check on Tony, I said "Get your act together, Tony!" as I get ready to leave.

"Why are you helping me?" Tony quickly asked looking confuse.

"No reason, just helping a man in need! Who knows maybe one day if I am down and out you might help me too!" I replied as I glided away.


On the way back to the city, my spider sense started tingling. I quickly jump toward the top of the building and look towards the source of the danger. There I saw several figures hidden in the dark.

"I don't enjoy people stalking me!" I said as I looked at them

One of the figure hidden in the dark said in a menacing voice "Hsss.... You are a hard person to find, Nightwing! I can't wait to feel your live seeping away from your corpse!".

"That is what all the villains said to me but no one is able to hurt me" I quipped back.

I am not gonna hurt ya! I am just tear you limb by limb and torture you!" replied the other dark figure.

As all of them come out from the shadow, I grumble to myself saying "Damn it! I hate snakes! Samuel L. Jackson, I need your motherfucking help".

Please review, write or provide feedback.... so that i can improve myself and the story .

Hoping by next week won't be so busy at work...... mentally and physically exhausted. lol

godfreyngszecreators' thoughts