
Crazy Upgrades / Pre-Stark Expo

Nightwing Base

Currently I am working on updating the Defenders' suits and build enhancement to help fight against stronger or faster opponents. For my own improvement, I build an enhancement arms and legs which each limbs is powered by a miniature arc reactor and my own venom blast. This equipment will be attach onto my arms and legs to help improve my strength and increase my venom blast power. Another extra features that I have included is a powerful repulsor on each palm of my hand (Sorry Tony!).

I put the enhancement equipment in Nightcycle's compartment. I have made some changes to my mask and all the other Defenders uniform, they will have retractable mask that will help protect their face and rebreather that help protect them in case of emergency where there is no oxygen or dangerous situation (example poison surrounding).

For Spider-Man, I have created a version of his iron spider suit with the same color scheme with his normal suit. Using the design detail from Otto Octavius arms, I was able to attach four mechanical spider-arms that will be able to assist Spiderman in fights and shoot web shooter from each arm. With all the similar equipment and tools from his previous suits, I also have included glider capability to his suit and made motor servos to help increase his strengths slightly.

Spiderman was really tempted by the idea of using repulsor so we decided to attach repulsor on his palms too but a smaller version so that it won't disrupt his fighting style. Spiderman decided his vehicle would be a bike similar to Nightcycle except with Spiderman color and design with hover bike capability and two 360 degree repulsor cannon.

Powerman wanted a full body power suit with enhancement arms and legs which is more bulky to help increase it attack power and defense. Since Powerman is a brawler, he doesn't want any repulsor weapon in his suit. The color scheme of the power suit is similar with with his current uniform and is collapsible for easier portable. Powerman's vehicle of choice is a chopper bike similar to Harley Davinson with Powerman color and design. Since he insist that he don't want hover capabilities, we decided to improve its speed. Powerman's power suit is put into Powerman's bike compartment.

Jewel in the other hand does not want any vehicle but she wanted a simple suit to help increase her flying speed. So I build her jet boots that will increase her flying capabilities and protect her legs. The enhancement arms is to protect her arms and has repulsor on it palm to help in fights and flight. The design for her costume is nearly similar to Captain Marvel except with the mix of purple and white color.

Both Colleen and Ironfist didn't want anything special except to have their body suit that slight increase their defense and motor servos in their suit that help improve their speed. They want to focus on improve movements and balances in their suits that depended on their body movement when performing their martial arts. They didn't want any repulsor on their suit so some improvement on their weapons have been made.

Ironfist's long stick which is able to change in length and deliver a much more powerful electric attacks at both ends while Colleen is given a vibration sword that can cut through most materials like a piece paper. Both of them insisted that they don't need any vehicle so I had to make their costume light and collapsible so that it can fit into a bag.

Daredevil wanted detachable enhancement arms and legs similar to mine without repulsor. His enhancement equipment help improve his strength and speed to help deal with much stronger opponents. Daredevil wanted a Nightcycle with a Daredevil concept color and design. The idea of a blind man riding a bike bring laughter to Daredevil but with his heighten senses it is not a problem for him. I also put his enhancement arms and legs in his bike's compartment. I have made some changes to Daredevil's weapon so that it is able to change from a baton, long stick, nunchauk, grappling hook and electric stick.

Black Cat wanted a new body suit that increase her speed and strength. Her new suit is slightly similar to White Tiger costume except it is black with white furs and with retractable headpiece. I have increase her electric claw power and sharpness. She is given a Nightcycle with Black Cat concept color and design.

With Oracle help all the Defenders' suit is nearly complete and it will take another few more days to help further improve and complete it.

"Oracle have you manage to obtain the Stark Expo 1974 complete floor plan" I asked.

"Yes, I have. Should you be trying to get the latest floor plan?" Oracle replied.

"No, it is good enough. Bring it up onto the computer monitor" I answered smirking excitedly.

Looking at the model on the monitor, I said "Make a digital wire framework of the Stark Expo 1974 in 3D".

"Alright" Oracle answered as she prepared the 3d model.

"Okay let see if I remember it correctly" I said as I look at the model

"Highlight the universe sphere. Take away the foot paths, the shrubs, trees, landscape, exits, entrance, the car parks,this..., that building" I said.

"Structure the proton and neutrons using the pavilions as the frameworks" I said as I work on the model.

As I am looking at the element model in wonder, Oracle said "Congratulation, Harry! You have created a new element that can replace paladium".

Smiling to myself, I said "Good! Inform Bernard that we will need parts for prismatic accelerator. This element will be a game changer".


Midtown High, Friday

Stark Expo opening ceremony will be happening today on the 22th of April which indicate the start of Ironman 2 movie event. I have made all the preparation I need to prepare for it. Ned insist that we should go to the opening ceremony. I inform them that my guardian parent will be picking us up in the evening so they should send me their addresses.

In the evening, with Bernard and I in the back seat of the limousine went to fetch the others at their home. Seeing the vehicle and who is going fetching them to the expo, everyone is in a state of shock.

Bernard smiled at them as he said "Hello, everyone! My name is Bernard Houseman. I am Harry's errr... godfather and guardian" he extended out his hand and shake everyone hands.

"Err... Mr Houseman, it is a pleasure to meet you. I am Felicia Hardy!" Felicia replied sounding slightly surprise.

"Ah!! Miss Hardy, Harry told me a lot about you" Bernard smile at me mischievously.

"What? Err.... I see... Hope it is all good... He didn't tell me much about you" Felicia blushed slightly at first before glaring at me angrily.

"Don't blame Harry. He didn't talk much about me because I request him not to, or else I will have weekly gossip news like Tony Stark" Bernard answered chuckling to himself as Felicia playfully nudge my side with her elbow.

"Hi, I am Peter Parker. I have read about your latest research on new energy source that your company is developing. It is mind blowing!" Peter replied excitedly

"Hello, Mr. Parker. Thank you. There is still a lot a work be done with our research but we believe it has many other application" Bernard answered kindly.

"My name is MJ. I have read a business magazine that stated your company is also involved in weapon development. What is your company is doing to help prevent dangerous weapon from falling into the wrong hands?" MJ asked in a stern tone.

"'Ah ... a future news reporter or politician in making! No worries, MJ! My company does not sell any of the weapons we make but use it to reverse engineer a way to make a shield and armor to protect against any possible weapons" Bernard answered with a reassuring smile. I can feel my imaginary self clapping hand at Bernard's confidence and they way he bring himself when he answer her.

"I hope so! I don't want the weapons to endanger humans life" MJ replied sounding slightly unconvinced.

"Your concerns is understandable. I will increase the securities for the weapon" Bernard explain reassuringly.

Ned quickly interrupted and hurriedly shake Bernard's hand excitedly saying "Ned! Are you able to make something similar to Ironman's suit?"

"Maybe but currently Tony Stark is currently in the lead in the robot industry but if we can have the small power source we can build something similar" Bernard replied with a smirk as he glanced at me. As if he is signalling to me whether I want to build a suit for Ned.

Imagining Ned in an Ironman's suit, I can't help laughing to myself. The world first fat Ironman or Ironlad.

Please review, write or provide feedback so that i can improve myself and the story ....

Sorry have been busy at work.... crazy amount of work

godfreyngszecreators' thoughts